The Great SCOTUS Data Wrangle, Part 4: Background and Chronological Variables
Who’s ready to delve deeper into the Supreme Court Database?
… Well don’t everyone speak up at once!
Last time I focused on fixing up the identification variables in the Supreme Court Database. Thanks to a couple trademark digressions on case names, this wound up being the longest post I’ve made in this series.1 I should probably split that content out into several posts.
Today I’ll pick up where we left off looking over the SCDB variables of interest for our upcoming posts. I’m analyzing variables by category and in the order that they appear in the SCDB’s online documentation. The variables in this post will include a handful of the background and chronological variables that matter to us.
import os
import re
from pathlib import Path
import git
import joblib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
from IPython.display import HTML, Latex, display_html
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
GLOBAL_DATA_CACHE = Path('~/.cache/python/data/').expanduser().absolute()
GLOBAL_DATA_CACHE.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
REPO_ROOT = Path(git.Repo('.', search_parent_directories=True).working_tree_dir).absolute()
os.environ['CAP_AUTH_TOKEN'] = (REPO_ROOT / 'secrets' / 'caselaw_access_project_auth_token.txt').read_text()
case_decisions = (
DATA_PATH / 'processed' / 'scdb'
/ 'case_decisions_from_2021-07-05_post.feather'))
Towards More Pythonic, Pandorable Data
Alright, before proceeding any further, a couple modifications to
are a long time coming. First and foremost, the camel case columns
have got to go.
def camel_to_snek(camel_cased):
camel_hump_not_after_underscore = '((?!^)(?<!_)[A-Z][a-z]+|(?<=[a-z0-9])[A-Z])'
return re.sub(camel_hump_not_after_underscore, r'_\1', camel_cased).lower()
case_decisions.columns =
Ah that’s much better. All credit for that lovely regular expression should go to SO user cco for his comment on this answer.
I may also make the column names more verbose in the future by
getting rid of (or at least being consistent with) abbreviations,
but this is a much better place to be. (Although I am upset every
time I’m reminded that there are simultaneously
columns.) Ridding myself of camel case has brought me enough joy
for the time being.
Second, let’s assign a meaningful index. I
in my last post that the column formerly known as
does what it says on the tin—provide a unique identifier for each
case—so it’s the natural choice.
case_decisions = case_decisions.set_index('case_id', verify_integrity=True)
Processing Background Variables
Here we begin to get into the real metadata for each case, including the case names we addressed last post, a broad categorization of the types of petitioners and respondents in each case, jurisdictional information, and aspects of the outcomes of lower court decisions in each case. While there are some interesting questions that can be asked regarding case outcomes in relation to lower court decisions and actions, I’ll be ignoring lower court-related columns and in doing so restrict to about half of these columns.
background_variables_of_interest = [
'petitioner', 'petitioner_state',
'respondent', 'respondent_state',
'jurisdiction', 'cert_reason'
s and
Out of the
s fire and into the frying pan! Or out of the frying pan and into
the room surrounding said frying pan … which is much cooler. The
point is it isn’t as hot here. Maybe this isn’t the best choice of
feature, astonishingly, describes the petitioner (a.k.a. the
appellant) of a case, meaning the party that appealed a lower
court’s decision to the Supreme Court. The other party to the case
is called the “respondent” (a.k.a. the appellee) and is referenced
in, you guessed it, the
feature. Rather than rather uselessly storing the name or specific
identity of the appellant and appellee, these fields contain short
descriptions indicating how SCOTUS, in its opinions, described the
parties in relation to the substantive matters of their case. The
SCDB’s methodology for labeling petitioners and respondents is
described in more detail in
alongside a complete list of values for this variable.
There are a couple interesting caveats in their labeling process
that are worth noting. First, when a state is party to a case, it
is described in these variables as
instead of by name. To obtain which state is the party in
question, we also need to use the
variables. These two features are sparsely populated, with values
only for litigants that are states or agents of states
(including municipal governments, courts, etc.). Also, when a
federal court,
judicial district, or judge is party to a case, their state is entered as
'United States'
The other interesting interaction between the party variables and the remainder of the SCDB has to do with specificity:
Where a choice of identifications exists that which provides information not provided by the legal provision or the issue is chosen. E.g., a federal taxpayer or an attorney accused of a crime as taxpayer or attorney rather than accused person, particularly if neither the lawType nor the Issue variable identifies the case as a tax matter or one involving an attorney.
In other words, when new cases are entered into the SCDB with two
equally-appropriate values for a party variable, the value that is
chosen is the one that can’t be inferred from
. (What happens when there are more than two possibilities isn’t
clearly spelled out, probably because three or more-way ties never
happen.) It would be interesting to get a sense of how large an
effect this has. I imagine these ambiguous situations aren’t that
common, but who’s to say? Either way, a thorough analysis
involving either
requires consideration of
Cleanliness-wise, we’ve already found that both of the party features are in great shape.
display(case_decisions[['petitioner', 'respondent']].describe())
print('Number of Null Petitioners:', case_decisions.petitioner.isna().sum())
print('Number of Null Respondents:', case_decisions.respondent.isna().sum())
case_decisions[['petitioner', 'respondent']].isna().any(axis='columns')
petitioner | respondent | |
count | 28873 | 28871 |
unique | 273 | 259 |
top | United States | United States |
freq | 2509 | 3118 |
Number of Null Petitioners: 2
Number of Null Respondents: 4
case_id | 1933-168 | 1939-143 | 1941-163 | 1949-112 |
docket_id | 1933-168-01 | 1939-143-01 | 1941-163-01 | 1949-112-01 |
case_issues_id | 1933-168-01-01 | 1939-143-01-01 | 1941-163-01-01 | 1949-112-01-01 |
vote_id | 1933-168-01-01-01 | 1939-143-01-01-01 | 1941-163-01-01-01 | 1949-112-01-01-01 |
date_decision | 1933-10-23 00:00:00 | 1939-12-11 00:00:00 | 1942-03-02 00:00:00 | 1950-04-24 00:00:00 |
decision_type | equally divided vote | equally divided vote | equally divided vote | equally divided vote |
us_cite | 290 U.S. 591 | 308 U.S. 523 | 315 U.S. 784 | 339 U.S. 940 |
sct_cite | 54 S. Ct. 94 | 60 S. Ct. 293 | 62 S. Ct. 793 | 70 S. Ct. 793 |
led_cite | 78 L. Ed. 521 | 84 L. Ed. 443 | 86 L. Ed. 1190 | 94 L. Ed. 2d 1356 |
lexis_cite | 1933 U.S. LEXIS 1045 | 1939 U.S. LEXIS 1131 | 1942 U.S. LEXIS 873 | 1950 U.S. LEXIS 2598 |
term | 1933 | 1939 | 1941 | 1949 |
natural_court | Hughes 3 | Hughes 7 | Stone 2 | Vinson 3 |
chief | Hughes | Hughes | Stone | Vinson |
docket | 18 | 317 | 529 | 490 |
date_argument | 1933-10-13 00:00:00 | 1939-12-05 00:00:00 | 1942-02-04 00:00:00 | 1950-04-18 00:00:00 |
date_rearg | NaT | NaT | NaT | NaT |
petitioner | Internal Revenue Service | <NA> | <NA> | United States |
petitioner_state | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
respondent | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
respondent_state | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
jurisdiction | cert | <NA> | cert | appeal |
admin_action | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
admin_action_state | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
three_judge_fdc | no mentionof 3-judge ct | NaN | NaN | NaN |
case_origin | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | La. West. U.S. Dist. Ct. |
case_origin_state | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
case_source | U.S. Ct. App., First Cir. | <NA> | U.S. Ct. App., First Cir. | La. West. U.S. Dist. Ct. |
case_source_state | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
lc_disagreement | no mention of dissent | NaN | NaN | no mention of dissent |
cert_reason | no reason given | <NA> | <NA> | no cert |
lc_disposition | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
lc_disposition_direction | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
declaration_uncon | no unconstitutional | no unconstitutional | no unconstitutional | no unconstitutional |
case_disposition | affirmed | affirmed | affirmed | affirmed |
case_disposition_unusual | no unusual disposition | no unusual disposition | no unusual disposition | no unusual disposition |
party_winning | petitioner lost | petitioner lost | petitioner lost | NaN |
precedent_alteration | precedent unaltered | precedent unaltered | precedent unaltered | precedent unaltered |
vote_unclear | vote clearly specified | vote clearly specified | vote clearly specified | vote clearly specified |
issue | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
issue_area | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
decision_direction | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
decision_direction_dissent | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
authority_decision1 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
authority_decision2 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
law_type | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
law_supp | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
law_minor | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
maj_opin_writer | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
maj_opin_assigner | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> | <NA> |
split_vote | 1st vote on issue/provision | 1st vote on issue/provision | 1st vote on issue/provision | 1st vote on issue/provision |
maj_votes | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
min_votes | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Ah, of course these are “equally divided vote” cases! We’ll talk
about these more when looking at
s below, but the opinions
for this category of cases tend to follow an absolutely minimal
template, from which it’s next to impossible to obtain information
about the substance of a case. These cases are no exception, with
the opinions of the Court providing practically zero information.
As you probably expect, summary opinions like these are noticeably
less complete than other SCDB records, presumably due to the
greater difficulty encountered by the researcher attempting to dig
up case information.
Now, when I first noticed there were so few cases, I jumped head first into identifying the correct values of these and related fields, and this was a great excuse to use the Caselaw Access Project’s API.
def fetch_cap_case_data(scdb_id, with_opinions=True,
request_kwargs = {}
if with_opinions and auth_token is None:
raise ValueError(
'An auth_token is required when fetching case opinions')
elif auth_token is not None:
request_kwargs['headers'] = {'Authorization': f'Token {auth_token}'}
case_query_configuration = {'cite': f'SCDB{scdb_id}'}
if with_opinions:
case_query_configuration |= {'full_case': 'true', 'body_format': 'text'}
case_query = to_url_query(**case_query_configuration)
results = requests.get(
if results:
return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results
def to_url_query(**kwargs):
if not kwargs:
return ''
query = '&'.join(f'{key}={value}' for key, value in kwargs.items())
return f'?{query}'
function is a more fleshed out version of one by the same name
used in the previous post to corroborate SCDB case names with
those provided by the CAP. It requests all of the data associated
to a SCOTUS case by the Caselaw Access Project, including each
published opinion as plain text. If you’re new to
Joblib, the
decorator ensures that responses for a given case ID are cached
locally. This is a win-win for the Caselaw Access Project and the
user, reducing strain on CAP servers, keeping subsequent notebook
runs snappy, and helping to avoid CAP API quotas.
Let’s grab the CAP data for SCDB records missing parties.
null_party_scdb_ids = case_decisions.loc[
case_decisions[['petitioner', 'respondent']].isna().any(axis='columns')
null_party_case_cap_data = [fetch_cap_case_data(null_party_scdb_id)
for null_party_scdb_id in null_party_scdb_ids]
for case_data in null_party_case_cap_data:
print('Case:', case_data['name'])
print(case_data['casebody']['data']['opinions'][0]['text'], end='\n\n')
Case: Helvering, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, v. U.S. Refractories Corp.
Per Curiam:
Decree affirmed by an equally divided Court. Mr. Justice Roberts took no part in the consideration or decision of this case.
Case: Helvering, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, v. Johnson
Per Curiam:
The judgment is affirmed by an equally divided Court.
Case: Holland, Administrator, Wage and Hour Division, U. S. Department of Labor, v. Lowell Sun Co.
Per Curiam:
The judgment is affirmed by an equally divided Court. Mr. Justice Murphy took no part in the consideration or decision of this case.
Case: United States v. Cotton Valley Operators Committee et al.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana.
Per Curiam:
The judgment is affirmed by an equally divided Court.
Mr. Justice Clark took no part in the consideration or decision of this case.
As I said, there’s not much to be seen here, but between the CAP API, Google, and a journal article, we can quickly arrive at the correct values for the missing party fields, among others.
Helvering v. U.S. Refractories Corp.
'Internal Revenue Service'
Helvering v. Johnson
'Internal Revenue Service'
Holland v. Lowell Sun Co.
'Department of Labor'
United States v. Cotton Valley Operators Committee
'United States'
Something more descriptive like
or some kind of manufacturer might be more suitable here.
Something more descriptive like
- Related Cases:
The trickiest of these to track down was Holland v. Lowell Sun Company. Based on this critical review from the time (JSTOR paywall warning), Holland v. Lowell Sun Company was summarily affirmed per curiam by the Court after their decision in Cudahy Packing Company v. Holland from the previous day.2 The relationship between the parties and the issues and legal provisions at play are shared by these two cases, albeit with the roles of petitioner and respondent reversed, so we could crib the content in Cudahy in order to fill in Lowell.
Unfortunately a more careful reading of the “decision rules” in the petitioner documentation has given me pause.
Parties are identified by the labels given them in the opinion or judgment of the Court except where the Reports title a party as the “United States” or as a named state.
That sounds to me like no additional references, including lower
court decisions (let alone law review articles), are referenced
when populating the party variables. You might say I’m taking this
too literally, but come on. We’re talking about a data source
curated by legal scholars and lawyers. They’re about as precise
with their definitions as us mathematicians. It’s also bolstered
by the disproportionate rate of
parties in
'equally divided vote'
equally_divided_votes_count = (case_decisions.decision_type == 'equally divided vote').sum()
print('Equally divided vote prevalence:')
equally_divided_votes_count / case_decisions.shape[0],
'or', equally_divided_votes_count, 'of', case_decisions.shape[0],
cases_with_unidentifiable_parties = case_decisions[
(case_decisions[['petitioner', 'respondent']] == 'Unidentifiable').any(axis='columns')
equally_divided_votes_count_given_unidentifiable_parties = (
cases_with_unidentifiable_parties.decision_type == 'equally divided vote'
print('Equally divided vote prevalence among cases with unidentifiable parties:')
/ cases_with_unidentifiable_parties.shape[0],
'or', equally_divided_votes_count_given_unidentifiable_parties,
'of', cases_with_unidentifiable_parties.shape[0],
Equally divided vote prevalence:
0.006337662337662337 or 183 of 28875 cases
Equally divided vote prevalence among cases with unidentifiable parties:
0.09403669724770643 or 82 of 872 cases
So, nearly 45% of all equally divided vote cases have unidentifiable parties, and equally divided votes occur among cases with unidentifiable parties at nearly 15 fold their overall rate. I think it’s safe to say we should either avoid pulling in supplementary material or systematically overhaul the parties in these cases.
But hey, at least our work wasn’t entirely for not; we can at very least add the IRS as the petitioner in Helvering, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Johnson. Ok, maybe we could have seen that from the title of the case. Maybe. But now we feel really confident in that correction, right?
The optimist in me is struggling. Let’s call this a wash and move on.
possible_helvering_v_johnson_case_ids = case_decisions.loc[
assert len(possible_helvering_v_johnson_case_ids) == 1, (
'Multiple Helvering v. Johnson cases exist in the SCDB.'
helvering_v_johnson_case_id = possible_helvering_v_johnson_case_ids[0]
] = 'Internal Revenue Service'
assert len(null_party_scdb_ids) == 4, 'Unexpected number of cases with missing party values'
case_decisions.loc[case_decisions.petitioner.isna(), 'petitioner'] = 'Unidentifiable'
case_decisions.loc[case_decisions.respondent.isna(), 'respondent'] = 'Unidentifiable'
s and
When a state, state agency, state employee, or other state-related entity is party to a case, the state in question is captured in a feature. I’m using “state” here rather generally, allowing for territories, interstate compacts, federal entities, and even the occasional free association3 in addition to the Big 504. As always, you can refer to the documentation for a complete rundown.
These are the first sparse features we’ve encountered in the
dataset, with non-state parties being encoded as
s. We
are still able to check for unintentional missing values by
looking for
s in
records with state actors serving as petitioners or respondents.
state_actor = (
pd.concat([case_decisions.loc[lambda df: df[f'{actor}_state'].notna(), actor]
for actor in ['petitioner', 'respondent', 'admin_action']])
.pipe(lambda series: set(series.unique()))
'State Agency',
'U.S. Shipping Board Emer. Fleet Corp.',
'bank of the united states',
'county government',
'court or judicial district',
'female govt. employee',
'former govt. employee',
'governmental employee',
'governmental official',
'local government',
'local governmental unit',
'local school district',
'minority fem. govt. employ.',
'minority govt. employee',
'state college or university',
'state commission or auth.',
'state department or agency',
'state education board',
'state legislature',
'state or U.S. supreme court',
'state, local govt. taxpayer',
'timber company'}
All of these seem about right: states, state agencies, judges, state legislatures, timber companies … wait what?
(case_decisions[actor] == 'timber company') & case_decisions[f'{actor}_state'].notna()
for actor in ['petitioner', 'respondent', 'admin_action']
['case_name', 'petitioner', 'petitioner_state', 'respondent', 'respondent_state',
'admin_action', 'admin_action_state']
case_id | case_name | petitioner | petitioner_state | respondent | respondent_state | admin_action | admin_action_state |
1899-111 | LINDSAY AND PHELPS COMPANY v. MULLEN | timber company | Minnesota | state commission or auth. | Minnesota | State Agency | Minnesota |
1930-165 | ISAACS, TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY OF THE ESTATE OF... | bankrupt person or business | <NA> | timber company | Arkansas | <NA> | <NA> |
I’m guessing these are entry errors, not sightings of the lumber arms of Minnesota and Arkansas. Although, now that I write that, I’m kind of hoping to be wrong about that. I’d love to learn some really obscure history here, where for whatever reason Minnesota, Arkansas, and other states nationalized their lumber industries. (Is “nationalized” still the right term when it’s a state or local government? “State-ified” is clumsy, and “municipalitized” is bordering on criminal.)
lindsay_and_phelps_co_v_mullen = fetch_cap_case_data('1899-111', with_opinions=False)
isaacs_v_hobbs_tie_and_timber_co = fetch_cap_case_data('1930-165')
The Lindsay and Phelps Co. case is a real page turner. You can read the full text here:
Alternatively, you can head to the U.S. Report PDF to clarify any OCR ambiguities here:
If you actually followed either of those links, you’ll know that by “page turner”, I meant “a slog rich with late 1800s logging terminology”. (You know you’re in for a wild ride when “replevin” appears in the first fifteen words of the case summary.) Fortunately, you’ll also see that the case gods have been merciful, clarifying the relationship between Lindsay and Phelps Co. and the state almost immediately.
On August 1, 1893, the plaintiff in error commenced its action of replevin against one of the defendants in error, John H. Mullen, to recover possession of a quantity of logs said to be of the value of \$15,000. Mullen answered, alleging that he was the surveyor general of logs and lumber for the fourth district of Minnesota; that as such surveyor general he had scaled and surveyed a large number of logs in a boom belonging to the Minnesota Boom Company, for which service he was entitled to fees amounting to the sum of \$11,088.92, and had seized these logs, under the statute giving him a lien, to enforce payment thereof, and praying for a return of the property, or, if that could not be had, for judgment for the sum of \$11,088.92, together with ten per cent, \$1108.89, costs of collection as provided by law, and interest. […] On these pleadings the case went to trial before the court without a jury. No special findings of fact were made, but only a general finding for defendants. A bill of exceptions was preserved, reciting the testimony, showing that at the close the plaintiff requested of the court the following declarations:
Second. That the defendants have not shown themselves entitled to any lien upon the plaintiff’s logs:
“a. Because the scale bills, Defendants’ Exhibits 3 and 4, are not evidence of the scaling of the logs therein described.
“b. Because it appears affirmatively that the said scale bills were not, nor were either of them, recorded in any book in the office of the surveyor general of that district.
“g. Because it appears that a very great proportion of the logs mentioned in these scale bills, defendants’ exhibits 3 and 4, were not the plaintiff’s logs, and that the work done was not done at the request of the plaintiff or anybody else.
“d. Because the pretended records of said scale bills were not in fact any record whatever.
“e. Because it does not appear that any of the log marks shown on defendants’ scale bills, Exhibits 3 and 4, were ever recorded in the office of the surveyor general of logs and lumber of the fourth lumber district of the State of Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions of title 3, of chapter 32, General Statutes of the State of Minnesota. […]”
If I’m reading this correctly, Lindsay and Phelps Company logs
were in the Minnesota Boom Company’s
boom when
Mullen, a surveyor general for Minnesota, put a lien on all of the
logs in said boom. That lien would be in effect until Mullen was
paid for his surveying and
services. The Lindsay and Phelps Company requested its logs,
seemingly as a third party caught in the cross-fire between the
Minnesota Boom Company and the state. At least, that’s what this
and the dissenting opinion read like to me, although I admit I was
struggling to read through the majority opinion without my eyes
glazing over. In any event Lindsay and Phelps Company is a private
timber company, not a state actor. The state had also already
taken action against the petitioner prior to this case reaching
SCOTUS, so both the
and the
values are accurate.
lindsay_and_phelps_v_mullen_case_id = '1899-111'
] = pd.NA
Now let’s see what Isaacs v. Hobbs Tie & Timber Co. has in store for us. The full description of the petitioner in this case is “Isaacs, trustee in bankruptcy of the estate of Henrietta E. Cunningham, bankrupt”. A trip to Wikipedia reveals that a “trustee in bankruptcy” is an individual employed (or certified by) the Department of Justice and who has been tasked with managing the estate of a bankrupt individual or corporation during the bankruptcy process. While, yes, this person is assigned by the Department of Justice, they act on behalf of a bankrupt person or corporation, serving in some capacities as an intermediary between and in others as a replacement for the debtor with their creditors. While I suppose this means Isaacs could be considered a state or federal actor here if the state or federal laws that were in effect during 1930 were similar to the federal bankruptcy laws of the present, Isaacs’s party in the context of the case is classified as a “bankrupt person or business”. This sounds to me like a class that probably shouldn’t be considered related to the state.
Bankruptcy is, however, a common enough occurrence that we can probably look to other examples to see how this type of party is usually categorized.
with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', 200, 'display.max_colwidth', 100):
case_decisions.case_name.str.contains('trustee in bankruptcy', case=False) &
case_decisions.petitioner_state.notna() |
['case_name', 'petitioner', 'petitioner_state', 'respondent', 'respondent_state']
].style.applymap(lambda value: 'color: purple' if value in {'bankrupt person or business',
'agent, fiduciary, trustee'}
else 'color: black')
case_name | petitioner | petitioner_state | respondent | respondent_state | |
case_id | |||||
1923-054 | BOARD OF TRADE OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO et al. v. JOHNSON, TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY OF HENDERSON | local government | Illinois | bankrupt person or business | <NA> |
1923-195 | PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK v. JERSAWIT, TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY OF AJAX DRESS COMPANY, INC. | State | New York | bankrupt person or business | <NA> |
1929-080 | U.S. SHIPPING BOARD MERCHANT FLEET CORPORATION v. HARWOOD, TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY, et al. | U.S. Shipping Board Emer. Fleet Corp. | United States | bankrupt person or business | <NA> |
1930-165 | ISAACS, TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY OF THE ESTATE OF HENRIETTA E. CUNNINGHAM, BANKRUPT, v. HOBBS TIE & TIMBER COMPANY | bankrupt person or business | <NA> | timber company | Arkansas |
1932-166 | NEW YORK v. IRVING TRUST CO., TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY | State | New York | bankrupt person or business | <NA> |
1934-010 | SCHUMACHER, SHERIFF OF BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO, v. BEELER, TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY | county government | Ohio | bankrupt person or business | <NA> |
1935-056 | CITY OF LINCOLN et al. v. RICKETTS, TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY | local government | Nebraska | bankrupt person or business | <NA> |
1940-075 | CITY OF NEW YORK v. FEIRING, TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY | local government | New York | bankrupt person or business | <NA> |
1941-088 | MEILINK, TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY, v. UNEMPLOYMENT RESERVES COMMISSION OF CALIFORNIA | bankrupt person or business | <NA> | state commission or auth. | California |
1948-032 | GOGGIN, TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY, v. DIVISION OF LABOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OF CALIFORNIA | bankrupt person or business | <NA> | state department or agency | California |
1948-047 | CITY OF NEW YORK v. SAPER, TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY | local government | New York | bankrupt person or business | <NA> |
None of the other cases involving a trustee in bankruptcy classify that party as a state actor. In fact, none of the cases in the entire database involving someone (or something) in financial trouble or an agent thereof classify those parties as agents of a state.
possibly_bankrupt = r'bankrupt person or business|agent, fiduciary, trustee'
print('Cases involving possibly-bankrupt entities:',
case_decisions[['petitioner', 'respondent']]
.apply(lambda party: party.str.contains(possibly_bankrupt))
print('Possibly-bankrupt entities that are state actors:',
((case_decisions.petitioner.str.contains(possibly_bankrupt) &
case_decisions.petitioner_state.notna()) |
& case_decisions.respondent_state.notna())).sum())
Cases involving possibly-bankrupt entities: 2087
Possibly-bankrupt entities that are state actors: 0
I think it’s safe to say that this was a typo. For the sake of due diligence, I also skimmed the majority opinion and gained a little added confidence that neither the trustee nor the timber company are associated to Arkansas.
isaacs_v_hobbs_case_id = '1930-165'
['petitioner_state', 'respondent_state']
] = pd.NA
A Diversity of
While the modern Court is mostly occupied with writs of
certiorari, there are a couple more handfuls of ways a
case can reach it. The
field captures how each case falls into the Court’s domain, be
that a writ of cert., appeal, or error (in older cases)
or, occasionally, original jurisdiction. Ties go to the writ, in
the sense that the type of writ is used as the
when there are multiple ways that the Court takes jurisdiction
over a case.
As always, see the documentation for more details about the data entry decision process. The various ways the Court gains jurisdiction over a case are laid out in Article III of the U.S. Constitution. The annotated version of the Constitution maintained by the National Constitution Center presents Article III in a pretty format with links to lengthy discussions of its meaning, interpretation, and modification by the 11th Amendment. Article III also has received a lot of love on Wikipedia and the related concept or jurisdiction stripping, which I really hope to see put to good use in the future.
For even more coverage of the Court’s original jurisdiction, check out the Federal Judicial Center’s history of its original jurisdiction. You can once again turn to the Wikipedia coverage of the topic, as well, which is more concise but with a couple interesting references to read through.
cert 10341
appeal 8619
writ of error 8317
certification 671
original 399
mandamus 234
writ of habeas corpus 96
rehearing or reargument 73
unspecified, other 54
prohibition 47
injunction 8
stay 7
docketing fee 6
NaN 2
bail 1
Name: jurisdiction, dtype: Int64
… Ok I’m sorry, but I must know what that one bail case is about.
case_decisions.loc[case_decisions.jurisdiction == 'bail', 'case_name'].iloc[0]
I don’t regret sating my curiosity. I do regret taking the time to parse the rather impenetrable Latin5 in this single paragraph opinion. The best portion of the opinion is its concluding sentence:
The plea is, therefore, bad; and the judgment is affirmed, with six per centum damages, and costs.
I’d love to see “this plea is bad” make a comeback.
And with that out of the way, time for more null value analysis.
with pd.option_context('display.max_colwidth', 100):
case_id | case_name |
Well, well, well. Looks like Helvering v. Johnson wants to dance another round. In fact, taking a closer look at its large number of missing values …
… we’ll be seeing Helvering repeatedly as we finish addressing missing SCDB values. (It might be worth addressing separately like we did with Granite State v. Tandy Corp. in the previous post.)
If you recall from our first look at Helvering, this is an early FLSA case that resulted in a split decision once it made its way to SCOTUS. To determine its jurisdiction, we can either look for the corresponding cases as they appeared in lower courts or impute the jurisdiction from other cases. We know the latter is feasible here, since Helvering was, as the commissioner of the IRS at the time, a common target of cases that made their way through tax court to the Supreme Court, and, indeed, what we see is telling.
case_decisions.case_name.str.contains(r'Helvering.*\bv\.?\b.*', regex=True, case=False)
& (case_decisions.petitioner == 'Internal Revenue Service'),
cert 92
NaN 1
Name: jurisdiction, dtype: Int64
All of these cases arise to the Supreme Court through cert. petitions.
case_decisions.loc[helvering_v_johnson_case_id, 'jurisdiction'] = 'cert'
Lopez v. Smith, the other case missing a jurisdiction,
states in its headmatter
that it is a cert. case from the 9th Circuit, which means
we’re close to putting a bow on
lopez_v_smith_case_id = '2014-076'
case_decisions.loc[lopez_v_smith_case_id, 'jurisdiction'] = 'cert'
Cert. Cases on the Original Jurisdiction Docket?
But you’ll need to hold onto that bow for a few more minutes.
We’ll put a bow on
when we’re good and ready to put a bow on
And by that I mean after we validate our jurisdictions with one
more source of truth: the docket! As discussed in our
last post
and the
docket-umentation6, the docket numbers assigned to Supreme Court cases since 1971
themselves distinguish between cases reaching the Court
via its appellate and original jurisdictions, with cases
being heard by the Supreme Court in the first instance being
assigned docket numbers ending in
We can take advantage of this to correct the jurisdictions of cases since 1971.
(case_decisions.term >= 1971)
& (case_decisions.jurisdiction != 'original')
& case_decisions.docket.str.contains('Orig', case=False),
['case_name', 'us_cite', 'jurisdiction', 'cert_reason']
case_id | case_name | us_cite | jurisdiction | cert_reason |
1995-026 | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. STATE OF MAINE et al. | 516 U.S. 365 | cert | <NA> |
2005-043 | STATE OF ARIZONA v. STATE OF CALIFORNIA et al. | 547 U.S. 150 | cert | <NA> |
Given their parties, both of these cases are clearly misclassified.
(case_decisions.term >= 1971)
& (case_decisions.jurisdiction != 'original')
& case_decisions.docket.str.contains('Orig', case=False),
['jurisdiction', 'cert_reason']
] = ['original', 'no cert']
Likewise, we could also look for cases identified as original jurisdiction cases that are lacking proper docket numbers, but we’ve already corrected these cases in the previous post.
Identifying Original Jurisdiction Cases by Party Information
We could take this farther using the current definition of the Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction as declared in 28 U.S.C. §1251:
- The Supreme Court shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction of all controversies between two or more States.
- The Supreme Court shall have original but not exclusive jurisdiction of:
- All actions or proceedings to which ambassadors, other public ministers, consuls, or vice consuls of foreign states are parties;
- All controversies between the United States and a State;
- All actions or proceedings by a State against the citizens of another State or against aliens.
Subsection (a) of 28 U.S.C. §1251 is straightforward to examine.
# 28 U.S.C. §1251(a): The Supreme Court shall have original and
# exclusive jurisdiction of all controversies between two or
# more States.
(case_decisions[['petitioner', 'respondent']] == 'State').all(axis='columns')
& (case_decisions.jurisdiction != 'original'),
['us_cite', 'docket', 'case_name', 'petitioner_state', 'respondent_state',
case_id | us_cite | docket | case_name | petitioner_state | respondent_state | jurisdiction |
1917-116 | 246 U.S. 565 | 2, Orig. | COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA v. STATE OF WEST VIRG... | West Virginia | Virginia | mandamus |
1927-178 | 276 U.S. 557 | 2, Orig. | NEW MEXICO v. TEXAS | New Mexico | Texas | rehearing or reargument |
1981-112 | 457 U.S. 85 | 80-1556 | CORY, CONTROLLER OF CALIFORNIA, et al. v. WHIT... | California | Texas | cert |
1986-145 | 483 U.S. 219 | 85-2116 | PUERTO RICO v. BRANSTAD, GOVERNOR OF IOWA, et al. | Puerto Rico | Iowa | cert |
1991-037 | 503 U.S. 91 | 90-1262 | ARKANSAS, et al. v. OKLAHOMA, et al. | Arkansas | Oklahoma | cert |
1992-008 | 506 U.S. 73 | 91-1158 | MISSISSIPPI, et al. v. LOUISIANA et al. | Mississippi | Louisiana | cert |
The first six of these seven cases are accurately labeled. I verified by hand that the first four alleged cert. cases in this list—all but Arizona v. California—actually arose on cert. by skimming their opinions.
That leaves the three questionable looking cases that appeared on
the original jurisdiction docket:
Virginia v. West Virginia, New Mexico v. Texas,
and Arizona v. California. According to the
documentation, the rare cases that fall into multiple jurisdiction categories
are classified “on the basis of the writ”.
Virginia v. West Virginia
reached SCOTUS via a writ of mandamus, and
New Mexico v. Texas
occurred in response to a petition for rehearing. Both of these
cases also fall under the Court’s original jurisdiction, but when
categorizing these two cases the SCDB authors have been consistent
with applying the above rule.
That leaves Arizona v. California, which should have its
set to
. This is made clear either by reading the
head matter of
the decision or by comparing it to its long line of predecessors
in the SCDB, all of which were original jurisdiction cases in a
long-running SCOTUS dispute between states.
arizona_v_california_case_id = '2005-043'
['jurisdiction', 'cert_reason']
] = 'original', 'no cert'
We can now have some confidence that cases falling under the
Court’s original jurisdiction via 28 U.S.C. §1251(a) are
accurately classified in the SCDB. Subsection (b) of 28 U.S.C.
§1251 is an entirely different can of worms, however, since the
Court’s jurisdiction is discretionary. So long as the cases
satisfying the conditions in subsection (b) have non-null
jurisdictions—a fact we ensured earlier in this section—there will
be no way for us to determine if their
values are correct, using any of the features in the dataset.
That leaves us with options like text mining, manual validation,
and more complex NLP to distinguish which cases falling under 28
U.S.C. §1251(b) need corrections. Given that (1)
appears to be very well maintained as-is and (2) I don’t have that
much use for
to begin with, none of these options sound worth the trouble.
In other words, dear reader,
is ready for you. Ready for you and that bow you’ve been holding
on to since the end of the last section.
Reason for Granting cert. (cert_reason
), or the One Where Dan Reads $87+$ SCOTUS Opinions
When a case reaches SCOTUS through a petition for a writ of
certiorari, the
variable documents the reason, if any, the Court states in its
opinions for granting the petition. (More often than not, no
reason is explicitly provided by SCOTUS.)
Although the docs say there should be no null values in this field, that isn’t entirely the case.
cert_reason | |
no cert | 18577 |
no reason given | 4941 |
question presented | 1598 |
Fed. court conflict | 1577 |
significant question | 1187 |
Fed. ct. conflict, sig. quest. | 244 |
other reason | 233 |
putative conflict | 195 |
Fed. ct., state ct. conflict | 124 |
NaN | 74 |
Fed. court confusion | 57 |
state court conflict | 50 |
Fed. ct., state ct. confusion | 13 |
state court confusion | 5 |
Spanning which jurisdictions?
case_decisions.loc[case_decisions.cert_reason.isna(), 'jurisdiction'].value_counts()
cert 73
original 1
Name: jurisdiction, dtype: Int64
Unfortunately for us, only one non-_cert_ case is present, but that’s better than nothing.
case_decisions.cert_reason.isna() &
(case_decisions.jurisdiction != 'cert')
] = 'no cert'
Now for the hard part. Why are there $73$ cert. cases
missing their
s? Before committing to a research project involving reading
through $73$ SCOTUS cases, we should at least consider being a bit
more clever with the
imputation process. If nothing else, we should look to see if
there are any strong correlations between
and other features in the dataset that we can use to impute these
missing values with confidence.
And before we impute, let’s put on our explorer hats for a minute.
Relationship with
If you start poking around in the data, you’ll quickly notice an
odd relationship between the
s of cases with missing
is_modern_decision = case_decisions.term >= 1946
['case_name', 'date_decision', 'decision_type']
case_id | case_name | date_decision | decision_type |
1939-143 | HELVERING, COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, v... | 1939-12-11 | equally divided vote |
1941-163 | HOLLAND v. LOWELL SUN CO. | 1942-03-02 | equally divided vote |
1955-001 | LUCY et al. v. ADAMS, DEAN OF ADMISSIONS, UNIV... | 1955-10-10 | per curiam (no oral) |
1955-080 | CAHILL v. NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD RAILR... | 1956-05-14 | per curiam (no oral) |
1957-030 | BARTKUS v. ILLINOIS. | 1958-01-06 | equally divided vote |
1957-031 | LADNER v. UNITED STATES. | 1958-01-06 | equally divided vote |
1957-069 | COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC., et al. v.... | 1958-03-17 | equally divided vote |
1960-004 | DAYTON RUBBER CO. v. CORDOVAN ASSOCIATES, INC. | 1960-10-24 | per curiam (no oral) |
1960-020 | BUSH et al. v. ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD et al. | 1960-12-12 | per curiam (no oral) |
1963-122 | MARKS v. ESPERDY, DISTRICT DIRECTOR, IMMIGRATI... | 1964-05-18 | equally divided vote |
Notice that these cases all were per curiam or “equally divided vote” decisions, two of the less common decision types in the SCDB.
opinion of the court 7052
per curiam (no oral) 971
per curiam (oral) 562
judg. of the Ct. 248
equally divided vote 115
decrees 66
Name: decision_type, dtype: Int64
The overwhelming majority of SCOTUS decisions fall into the
run-of-the-mill “opinion” category, wherein a justice writes an
opinion signed onto by the majority of the Court, with other
justices joining the majority in concurrences and opposing it in
dissents. Of the remaining modern decisions, all but a few
briefcase loads are opinions made per curiam or are
equally divided votes. By contrast, we can see that all of the
cases with missing
s are classified as one of the rarer
per curiam (no oral) 42
equally divided vote 25
per curiam (oral) 6
Name: decision_type, dtype: Int64
So why am I bringing this up here? How is this high-level
categorization of case outcomes remotely related to missing
values? While this information is unlikely to aid in our data
wrangling, it helps us guess how these missing values came not to
be (ha).
In all likelihood, the relationship we’re seeing here has more to
do with the contents of opinions in these rarer
categories than some inherent connection between the two fields.
To review:
- Per curiam opinions are decisions made by the Court as a collective and are not attributed to or signed by the Court’s justices at the time or in future case law. If you’re interested in learning more, Cornell’s Legal Information Institute is a great place to start. What matters for our discussion is that these are typically short opinions consisting mostly of conclusory statements.
Equally divided votes are exactly that: tie votes where there is no majority (or plurality) among the justices. In fact, distinguishing tie votes here is mostly unnecessary; in the event of an equally divided vote, SCOTUS almost always affirms the lower court’s decision in a per curiam opinion. These opinions are some of the court’s shortest, usually consisting of a single sentence:
“The judgment is affirmed by an equally divided court.”
For a recent example of this, see the riveting SCOTUS opinion in Washington v. United States.
Little to no context for why a case is appearing before SCOTUS can
be gleaned from the published records for either of these types of
decisions. As far as I can tell, one is left reviewing transcripts
of oral arguments (when they exist), attempting to dig up
underlying cert. petitions (and other docket entries),
and reviewing lower court opinions to scrape together information
about what might have been presented to SCOTUS. If I had to guess,
this is the reason why there are missing
s in these records; it’s simply harder to find any information
about them!
Approach 1: Imputing the Problem Away
As usual, filling in missing
s with a central tendency (mode) can serve as a reasonable
baseline approach here. Of course, the cases under consideration
are supposed to be cert. cases, so doing this blindly
would be a mistake:
no cert 18578
no reason given 4941
question presented 1598
Fed. court conflict 1577
significant question 1187
Fed. ct. conflict, sig. quest. 244
other reason 233
putative conflict 195
Fed. ct., state ct. conflict 124
Fed. court confusion 57
state court conflict 50
Fed. ct., state ct. confusion 13
state court confusion 5
Name: cert_reason, dtype: Int64
(Practice Point: Assigning
'no cert'
to what you know are cert. cases is not a great idea.)
We know that the remaining cases that lack
s are all cert. cases based on their
s. We’ve also just discussed that these cases all fall into one
of the uncommon per curiam or “equally divided vote”
decision types, and that these decision types are almost always
accompanied by laconic Court opinions. Presumably then,
'no reason given'
is the mode of the
s for cert. cases with each of these three
s. Just how prevalent is
'no reason given'
in each group?
cert_reasons_by_decision_type = (
case_decisions[case_decisions.cert_reason != 'no cert']
(cert_reasons_by_decision_type / cert_reasons_by_decision_type.sum(level=0))[
['equally divided vote', 'per curiam (no oral)', 'per curiam (oral)']
].to_frame('P_cert(reason | decision type)')
decision_type | cert_reason | P_cert(reason | decision type) |
equally divided vote | no reason given | 0.981818 |
question presented | 0.009091 | |
significant question | 0.009091 | |
per curiam (no oral) | no reason given | 0.931915 |
Fed. court conflict | 0.026950 | |
question presented | 0.022695 | |
other reason | 0.008511 | |
Fed. ct., state ct. conflict | 0.004255 | |
significant question | 0.002837 | |
Fed. court confusion | 0.001418 | |
putative conflict | 0.001418 | |
per curiam (oral) | no reason given | 0.752137 |
question presented | 0.158120 | |
Fed. court conflict | 0.029915 | |
significant question | 0.025641 | |
other reason | 0.023504 | |
Fed. ct., state ct. conflict | 0.006410 | |
Fed. ct. conflict, sig. quest. | 0.002137 | |
putative conflict | 0.002137 |
So long as our missing
values are missing at random, this suggests
'no reason given'
is a reasonable fill value, at least for cases with equally
divided votes and per curiam opinions following no oral
arguments. For per curiam opinions for cases with oral
arguments, however, we’re on shakier ground. Still, the latter
only account for six of the seventy-three remaining cases missing
cert. reasons, and we can consider dropping them from
calculations (when relevant) or correcting them manually.
That said, perhaps we’re splitting hairs when breaking down these three per curiam-like decision types into their own categories.
['equally divided vote', 'per curiam (no oral)', 'per curiam (oral)']
.pipe(lambda s: s / s.sum())
.to_frame('P(reason | cert case w/ per curiam-like decision type)')
cert_reason | P(reason | cert case w/ per curiam-like decision type) |
no reason given | 0.870616 |
question presented | 0.070928 |
Fed. court conflict | 0.025721 |
other reason | 0.013250 |
significant question | 0.011691 |
Fed. ct., state ct. conflict | 0.004677 |
putative conflict | 0.001559 |
Fed. court confusion | 0.000779 |
Fed. ct. conflict, sig. quest. | 0.000779 |
The 87% is nothing to scoff at. For the work I’m planning to do with the SCDB, it’s more than fine as a replacement value. For the general purpose, Python-friendly versions of this dataset that I’m hosting on DagsHub, however, I need to be more precise.
Approach 2: Hitting the Books
Once again, we are in the rare (for my usual areas of research and
work on the job, at any rate) situation where all of the
information we need to fill in the missing values in these SCDB
records is at our disposal, so why spend the time imputing values?
Time and resource constraints are the obvious answers, but I was
seeing these errors differently. I took them as an opportunity to
correct the record and, hopefully, contribute a small amount to
the SCDB cause, reading all $73$ of these cases (or at least the
portions required to get the answers I was looking for) and
compiling a list of corrections for the SCDB curators. In fact, I
read around $90$ cases since, before reorganizing the content in
this series, another briefcase load of cases contained missing
values. I did this in two passes, the first occurring while I
wrote the first blog post in this series, the second while writing
up this post. Along the second pass, I realized that I’ve
accomplished a secondary goal; I’m now much more
efficient (and proficient) at reading cases than I was at the
start of this project!
And the truth was as hard to account for using the other variables
in this dataset as we expected. Many of the
s were
because they weren’t cert. cases to begin with. You’ll
see in the results below that I wound up suggesting changes to
both the
fields to account for this.
cert_reason_corrections = pd.read_csv(
index_col=0, na_filter=False
def display_corrections(corrections_df):
with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', 100, 'display.max_colwidth', 200):
'Opinion Link': lambda df: df['Opinion Link']
.pipe(as_link, text='Opinion')
.set_properties(**{'text-align': 'left',
'white-space': 'pre-wrap'})
.apply(highlight_if_includes_value, axis='columns', value='Yes')
def as_link(series, text='Link'):
return series.str.replace(r'(.+)', fr'<a href="\1">{text}</a>', regex=True)
def highlight_if_includes_value(
series, value, highlight_style='background-color: purple; color: white'
return len(series) * [highlight_style if (series == value).any() else '']
2020 v1 Index | caseId | usCite | term | caseName | Opinion Link | Suggested jurisdiction | Suggested certReason(s) | Comments re. certReason | Opinion Excerpts | Ambiguous certReason or jurisdiction |
18899 | 1939-143 | 308 U.S. 523 | 1939 | HELVERING, COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, v. JOHNSON | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | This is an equally divided vote case, with majority opinion following the usual minimal per curiam template. | No | |
19242 | 1941-163 | 315 U.S. 784 | 1941 | HOLLAND v. LOWELL SUN CO. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | This is an equally divided vote case, with majority opinion following the usual minimal per curiam template. | No | |
20858 | 1955-001 | 350 U.S. 1 | 1955 | LUCY et al. v. ADAMS, DEAN OF ADMISSIONS, UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | “APPLICATION TO VACATE ORDER GRANTING STAY OF INJUNCTION PENDING APPEAL AND TO REINSTATE INJUNCTION PENDING APPEAL” | No | |
20937 | 1955-080 | 351 U.S. 183 | 1955 | CAHILL v. NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD RAILROAD CO. | Opinion | unchanged OR unspecified, other | no reason given OR case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is an amendment to the case 350 U.S. 898 (, deeming the Court’s original order to remand the case to a District Court in error and to instead remand to the Second Circuit. Since the unamended case doesn’t appear in the SCDB and it arose on cert, I think that cert is the appropriate jurisdiction here, as well. | “ON A MOTION TO RECALL AND AMEND THE JUDGMENT” “We deem our original order erroneous and recall it in the interest of fairness.” | Yes |
21120 | 1957-030 | 355 U.S. 281 | 1957 | BARTKUS v. ILLINOIS. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS” | No |
Note: I’ve decided not to break up my post with a huge table here. Check out the appendix for the complete set of corrections.
I identified a correct value for
in all but four cases. Each of the remaining four cases, those
highlighted above, contains some kind of ambiguity in relation to
the SCDB classification. For instance, in
Chandler v. Judicial Council of the Tenth Circuit, the
case somehow arises as two separate writs. This also
occurs in In re Demos, but in the latter case the Court
only noted one of the three writs in the case’s headmatter. In
Chandler, on the other hand, the headmatter includes “ON
The tie breaking decision rules laid out in the
documentation all ultimately fall back on the writ for a case in
question. They don’t seem to account for the possibility of there
being two such writs, or for that matter a hypothetical future
writ that has the potential to be either a writ of prohibition or
a writ of mandamus. Who knows? Maybe this deserves its
own “superposition of writs” class! That sort of decision is above
my pay grade, and I think each of these cases could use review by
the experienced eye of an SCDB researcher. I’ve sent these
corrections off to the SCDB, so we’ll hopefully see them (or
corrections to my corrections) in its next release.
Meanwhile, I have values I feel good about for the other three of these decisions and am ok with making an arbitrary choice in Chandler. In the latter, the headmatter suggests prohibition (or at least lists it first), but the majority opinion opens as follows:
Petitioner, a United States District Judge, filed a motion for leave to file a petition for a writ of mandamus or alternatively a writ of prohibition addressed to the Judicial Council of the Tenth Circuit.
This at least suggests that the petitioner’s preferred writ would be a writ of mandamus, so I’ll run with that for now.
cert_reason_corrections.caseName == 'CAHILL v. NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD RAILROAD CO.',
['Suggested jurisdiction', 'Suggested certReason(s)']
] = ['cert', 'no reason given']
['Suggested jurisdiction', 'Suggested certReason(s)']
] = ['mandamus', 'case did not arise on cert or cert not granted']
cert_reason_corrections.caseName == 'In re BERGER',
['Suggested jurisdiction', 'Suggested certReason(s)']
] = ['unspecified, other', 'case did not arise on cert or cert not granted']
cert_reason_corrections.caseName == 'In re JOHN ROBERT DEMOS, JR.',
['Suggested jurisdiction', 'Suggested certReason(s)']
] = ['writ of habeas corpus', 'case did not arise on cert or cert not granted']
With those final corrections in place, we’re just about ready to
put a bow on
, and the SCDB Background Variables. We still need to incorporate
the above corrections into
. Moreover, some of the cases referenced in the suggestions CSV
file no longer exist in our corrected dataset, after we found in
last post
that they should never have been entered into the SCDB in the
first place, so we’ll need to disregard those suggestions.
cert_reason_documentation_to_value = {
'case did not arise on cert or cert not granted': 'no cert',
'federal court conflict': 'Fed. court conflict',
'federal court conflict and to resolve important or significant question': 'Fed. ct. conflict, sig. quest.',
'putative conflict': 'putative conflict',
'conflict between federal court and state court': 'Fed. ct., state ct. conflict',
'state court conflict': 'state court conflict',
'federal court confusion or uncertainty': 'Fed. court confusion',
'state court confusion or uncertainty': 'state court confusion',
'federal court and state court confusion or uncertainty': 'Fed. ct., state ct. confusion',
'to resolve important or significant question': 'significant question',
'to resolve question presented': 'question presented',
'no reason given': 'no reason given',
'other reason': 'other reason',
surviving_case_corrections = (
set(cert_reason_corrections.caseId) & set(case_decisions.index),
['Suggested certReason(s)', 'Suggested jurisdiction']
corrected_jurisdictions = (
surviving_case_corrections['Suggested jurisdiction']
.loc[lambda jurisdiction: jurisdiction != 'unchanged'])
corrected_cert_reasons = (
surviving_case_corrections['Suggested certReason(s)']
valid_jurisdictions = case_decisions.jurisdiction.dropna().unique()
valid_cert_reasons = case_decisions.cert_reason.dropna().unique()
assert corrected_jurisdictions.isin(valid_jurisdictions).all(), \
'Invalid jurisdiction correction found'
assert corrected_cert_reasons.isin(valid_cert_reasons).all(), \
'Invalid cert_reason correction found'
] = corrected_jurisdictions
] = corrected_cert_reasons
Blog Post Trivia
This is actually the first variable that I looked at during the
data cleanup process that required me to read opinions in any
amount of detail. (I decided to delay posting about it until now
to keep things organized.) While perhaps not the most useful
variable for my end goals with the dataset,
served as a useful starting point for getting my toes wet reading
opinions, since the correct value of
for a case is (a) usually unambiguous and (b) almost always
identifiable early in the majority opinion. This made
a good field for me to dive deeper into while also finding a
workflow for accessing opinions online.
Processing Chronological Variables
These variables describe different aspects of the timing of a case in the broad sense. Given the numeric column and date processing I already performed in my previous post, we can limit ourselves to a couple variables here.
chronological_variables_of_interest = ['chief', 'natural_court']
As you’ve probably surmised, the
variable tracks who presided as chief justice over each case. The
variable is more interesting. Each record in the SCDB is assigned
value of the form “$\mathtt{chief}\,n$” where
$\mathtt{chief}$ is the presiding chief justice for said case
(the value from the
column) and - $n \in \mathbb{N}$ indicates that the set of justices taking part in the case is the $n$-th unique set since $\mathtt{chief}$ assumed the role of chief justice.
This makes
a super simple and convenient way to spot temporary and permanent
changes to the SCOTUS roster. The only exceptions occur in the
exceptionally rare cases without chief justices.7
natural_court_chief, natural_court_ordinal = (
case_decisions.natural_court.str.split(r' (?=\d+$)', n=1, expand=True)
.pipe(lambda split_natural_court: (split_natural_court[0],
print('Anomalous Natural Court Chief Justices:')
natural_court_chief[case_decisions.chief != natural_court_chief]
print('\nAnomalous Natural Court Ordinals:')
natural_court_ordinal[case_decisions.chief != natural_court_chief]
Anomalous Natural Court Chief Justices:
No Chief (Post-Fuller) 42
No Chief (Post-Rutledge) 3
Name: 0, dtype: Int64
Anomalous Natural Court Ordinals:
NaN 45
Name: 1, dtype: Int64
Both the
variables are well-maintained, leaving us with nothing to do here
for the time being.
assert case_decisions[['chief', 'natural_court']].notna().all().all()
That’s a Wrap!
Well, we’ve once again made it through examining a large chunk of the SCDB dataset. All told, we’ve now processed about half of the features in the SCDB! This time the techniques we wound up needing for imputation were arguably more basic than in earlier posts, although the work remained time consuming due to the need for manual data labelling.
There are three remaining categories of SCDB variables to look into in this series, which together comprise most of the meat of the dataset. These are the variables organized into the “Substantive”, “Outcome”, and “Voting & Opinion” categories within the database, and we’ll treat them in that order. If you’ve followed along so far, hopefully you’ll enjoy the thrilling second act in the series!
Appendix: All
For those of you really jonesing for
corrections, here is the complete table.
2020 v1 Index | caseId | usCite | term | caseName | Opinion Link | Suggested jurisdiction | Suggested certReason(s) | Comments re. certReason | Opinion Excerpts | Ambiguous certReason or jurisdiction |
18899 | 1939-143 | 308 U.S. 523 | 1939 | HELVERING, COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, v. JOHNSON | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | This is an equally divided vote case, with majority opinion following the usual minimal per curiam template. | No | |
19242 | 1941-163 | 315 U.S. 784 | 1941 | HOLLAND v. LOWELL SUN CO. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | This is an equally divided vote case, with majority opinion following the usual minimal per curiam template. | No | |
20858 | 1955-001 | 350 U.S. 1 | 1955 | LUCY et al. v. ADAMS, DEAN OF ADMISSIONS, UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | “APPLICATION TO VACATE ORDER GRANTING STAY OF INJUNCTION PENDING APPEAL AND TO REINSTATE INJUNCTION PENDING APPEAL” | No | |
20937 | 1955-080 | 351 U.S. 183 | 1955 | CAHILL v. NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD RAILROAD CO. | Opinion | cert | no reason given | This is an amendment to the case 350 U.S. 898 (, deeming the Court’s original order to remand the case to a District Court in error and to instead remand to the Second Circuit. Since the unamended case doesn’t appear in the SCDB and it arose on cert, I think that cert is the appropriate jurisdiction here, as well. | “ON A MOTION TO RECALL AND AMEND THE JUDGMENT” “We deem our original order erroneous and recall it in the interest of fairness.” | Yes |
21120 | 1957-030 | 355 U.S. 281 | 1957 | BARTKUS v. ILLINOIS. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS” | No | |
21121 | 1957-031 | 355 U.S. 282 | 1957 | LADNER v. UNITED STATES. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT.” | No | |
21159 | 1957-069 | 356 U.S. 43 | 1957 | COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC., et al. v. LOEW'S INC. et al. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT.” | No | |
21524 | 1960-004 | 364 U.S. 299 | 1960 | DAYTON RUBBER CO. v. CORDOVAN ASSOCIATES, INC. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT” | No | |
21540 | 1960-020 | 364 U.S. 500 | 1960 | BUSH et al. v. ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD et al. | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | “ON MOTION FOR STAY” | No | |
22086 | 1963-151 | 378 U.S. 123 | 1963 | VIKING THEATRE CORP. v. PARAMOUNT FILM DISTRIBUTING CORP. et al. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE THIRD CIRCUIT” | No | |
22296 | 1965-044 | 382 U.S. 1003 | 1965 | CHANDLER, U.S. DISTRICT JUDGE v. JUDICIAL COUNCIL OF THE TENTH CIRCUIT OF THE UNITED STATES. | Opinion | mandamus | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This doesn’t look like a cert petition. It’s a request under the All Writs Act (28 U.S.C. §1651) for prohibition or mandamus. The classification seems like a toss up here and up to internal conventions at the SCDB. | “ON MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE PETITION FOR WRIT OF PROHIBITION AND/OR MANDAMUS” “Petitioner, a United States District Judge, filed a motion for leave to file a petition for a writ of mandamus or alternatively a writ of prohibition addressed to the Judicial Council of the Tenth Circuit.” | Yes |
22363 | 1965-111 | 384 U.S. 269 | 1965 | GREER v. BETO, CORRECTIONS DIRECTOR | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS” | No | |
22565 | 1967-025 | 389 U.S. 143 | 1967 | HACKIN v. ARIZONA et al. | Opinion | appeal | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This case reached the Court on appeal, not on cert. | “APPEAL FROM THE SUPREME COURT OF ARIZONA” | No |
22627 | 1967-087 | 390 U.S. 455 | 1967 | ALITALIA-LINEE AEREE ITALIANE, S.P.A. v. LISI et al. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT” | No | |
22628 | 1967-088 | 390 U.S. 456 | 1967 | ANDERSON v. JOHNSON, WARDEN | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT” “Four members of the Court would reverse. Four members of the Court would dismiss the writ as improvidently granted. Consequently, the judgment of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit remains in effect.” | No | |
23021 | 1970-003 | 400 U.S. 16 | 1970 | COLOMBO v. NEW YORK | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE COURT OF APPEALS OF NEW YORK” | No | |
23135 | 1970-118 | 402 U.S. 690 | 1970 | CONNOR et al. v. JOHNSON et al. | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | “ON APPLICATION FOR STAY” | No | |
23531 | 1973-004 | 414 U.S. 12 | 1973 | DENNETT v. HOGAN, WARDEN | Opinion | writ of habeas corpus | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | Unusual decision. This actually wasn’t a cert case, but the Solicitor General recommended it be treated like one and remanded, and SCOTUS followed that advice. | No | |
23573 | 1973-046 | 414 U.S. 685 | 1973 | SNIDER et al. v. ALL STATE ADMINISTRATORS, INC., et al. | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | Rule 39 petition to dispense with printing the cert petition | No | |
24042 | 1976-006 | 429 U.S. 17 | 1976 | STANDARD OIL CO. OF CALIFORNIA v. UNITED STATES | Opinion | unspecified, other | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a “motion to recall mandate” from case 412 U.S. 924. | No | |
24246 | 1977-031 | 434 U.S. 425 | 1977 | VENDO CO. v. LEKTRO-VEND CORP. et al. | Opinion | unchanged | to resolve important or significant question | The order of the United States District Court was affirmed by the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, 545 F. 2d 1050 (1976), and we granted certiorari to consider the important question of the relationship between state and federal courts which such an injunction raises. 429 U. S. 815 (1976). (p. 626 in linked volume) | No | |
24686 | 1979-156 | 448 U.S. 725 | 1979 | HAMMETT v. TEXAS | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “ON MOTION TO WITHDRAW PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS” | No | |
25085 | 1982-068 | 461 U.S. 230 | 1982 | ALABAMA v. EVANS | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This appears to be an application to vacate a stay of execution (by a circuit judge to SCOTUS), not a cert case. It looks like similar cases that are applications for stays should be assigned “stay” as their jurisdictions. I’ve labeled applications to vacate stays with the stay jurisdiction as well, since it seems the most applicable. (Presumably the Court’s power to vacate stays falls into the same jurisdiction as its power to grant them.) I’ve also distinguished stays and requests to vacate stays in this column below. | No | |
25184 | 1983-001 | 464 U.S. 1 | 1983 | AUTRY v. ESTELLE, DIRECTOR, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | See ALABAMA v. EVANS discussion. This is an application for a stay. | No | |
25193 | 1983-010 | 464 U.S. 109 | 1983 | SULLIVAN v. WAINWRIGHT, SECRETARY, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, et al. | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | See ALABAMA v. EVANS discussion. This is an application for a stay. | No | |
25202 | 1983-019 | 464 U.S. 377 | 1983 | WOODARD, SECRETARY OF CORRECTIONS OF NORTH CAROLINA, et al. v. HUTCHINS | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | See ALABAMA v. EVANS discussion. This is an application to vacate a stay. | No | |
25419 | 1984-063 | 470 U.S. 903 | 1984 | BOARD OF EDUCATION OF OKLAHOMA CITY v. NATIONAL GAY TASK FORCE | Opinion | appeal | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | “APPEAL FROM THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE TENTH CIRCUIT” | No | |
25420 | 1984-064 | 470 U.S. 904 | 1984 | FUGATE v. NEW MEXICO | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW MEXICO” | No | |
25424 | 1984-068 | 471 U.S. 81 | 1984 | KENNETH CORY, LEO T. MCCARTHY AND JESSE R. HUFF v. WESTERN OIL AND GAS ASSOCIATION et al. | Opinion | appeal | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | “APPEAL FROM THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT” | No | |
25425 | 1984-069 | 471 U.S. 82 | 1984 | ROGER L. SPENCER, ET UX. v. SOUTH CAROLINA TAX COMMISSION et al. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH CAROLINA” | No | |
25426 | 1984-070 | 471 U.S. 83 | 1984 | BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF SCARSDALE, et al. v. KATHLEEN S. MCCREARY et al. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT” | No | |
25429 | 1984-073 | 471 U.S. 146 | 1984 | OKLAHOMA v. TIMOTHY R. CASTLEBERRY AND NICHOLAS RAINERI | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF OKLAHOMA” | No | |
25430 | 1984-074 | 471 U.S. 147 | 1984 | PATRICK RAMIREZ v. INDIANA | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE COURT OF APPEALS OF INDIANA” | No | |
25484 | 1984-129 | 472 U.S. 478 | 1984 | JENSEN, DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES OF NEBRASKA, et al. v. QUARING | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT” | No | |
25538 | 1985-017 | 474 U.S. 213 | 1985 | EASTERN AIR LINES, INC. v. MAHFOUD ON BEHALF OF MAHFOUD et al. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT” | No | |
26071 | 1988-071 | 490 U.S. 89 | 1988 | WRENN v. BENSON et al. | Opinion | unchanged | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS on a cert petition. | The Clerk of the Court is directed not to accept further filings from petitioner in which he seeks leave to proceed in forma pauperis unless the affidavit submitted with the filing indicates that his financial condition has substantially changed from that reflected in the affidavits he submitted in Wrenn v. Benson and Wrenn v. Ohio Dept. of Mental Health, supra. Justice is not served if the Court continues to process his requests when his financial condition has not changed from that reflected in a previous filing for which he was denied leave to proceed in forma pauperis. | No |
26227 | 1989-075 | 495 U.S. 320 | 1989 | DELO, SUPERINTENDENT, POTOSI CORRECTIONAL CENTER v. STOKES | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | See ALABAMA v. EVANS discussion. This is an application to vacate a stay. | No | |
26244 | 1989-092 | 495 U.S. 731 | 1989 | DEMOSTHENES et al. v. BAAL et al. | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | See ALABAMA v. EVANS discussion. This is an application for a stay. | No | |
26313 | 1990-021 | 498 U.S. 233 | 1990 | In re BERGER | Opinion | unspecified, other | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion from a defense attorney appointed under Rule 39.7 to receive more than the $2500 cap of attorney’s fees provided by the Criminal Justice Act. I’ve suggested “unspecified, other” here but could see “docketing fee” as an alternative. The case in which Berger was assigned as counsel in Saffle v. Parks, 494 U.S. 484 (, which was a cert case. | Yes | |
26319 | 1990-027 | 498 U.S. 335 | 1990 | UNITED STATES v. DARLINA K. FRANCE | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FORTHE NINTH CIRCUIT” | No | |
26358 | 1990-067 | 500 U.S. 16 | 1990 | In re JOHN ROBERT DEMOS, JR. | Opinion | writ of habeas corpus | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is an oddball of a case. Demos is a known frivolous litigator, and his case reaches the court on three separate, concurrent petitions for writs. These include a writ of certiorari, but I suggest this is classified as a writ of habeas corpus (viewing the “in re” case name and the petition in the headmatter as controlling). | “ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS” “Pro se petitioner Demos filed petitions for a writ of certiorari, a writ of habeas corpus, and a writ of mandamus all seeking relief from a single lower court order. He has made 32 in forma pauperis filings in this Court since the October 1988 Term began.” | Yes |
26486 | 1991-065 | 503 U.S. 653 | 1991 | JAMES GOMEZ AND DANIEL VASQUEZ v. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, et al. | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | (p. 653 in reference volume) See ALABAMA v. EVANS discussion. This is an application to vacate a stay. | No | |
26494 | 1991-073 | 504 U.S. 188 | 1991 | ROGER KEITH COLEMAN v. CHARLES E. THOMPSON, WARDEN, et al. | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | See ALABAMA v. EVANS discussion. This is an application for a stay. | No | |
26541 | 1991-120 | 505 U.S. 1084 | 1991 | LEONA BENTEN, et al. v. DAVID KESSLER, COMMISSIONER, FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, et al. | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | See ALABAMA v. EVANS discussion. This is an application to vacate a stay. | No | |
26568 | 1992-027 | 507 U.S. 1 | 1992 | UNITED STATES v. JERRY J. NACHTIGAL | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT” | No | |
26660 | 1992-120 | 509 U.S. 823 | 1992 | PAUL DELO, SUPERINTENDENT, POTOSI CORRECTIONAL CENTER v. WALTER J. BLAIR | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | See ALABAMA v. EVANS discussion. This is an application to vacate a stay. | No | |
26661 | 1992-121 | 507 U.S. 1026 | 1992 | GRANITE STATE INS. CO. v. TANDY CORP. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | Rule 46 dismissal | No | |
26662 | 1993-001 | 510 U.S. 1 | 1993 | ROY A. DAY v. DONALD P. DAY | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS. | No | |
26663 | 1993-002 | 510 U.S. 4 | 1993 | In re GEORGE SASSOWER | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS. | No | |
26706 | 1993-045 | 511 U.S. 364 | 1993 | In re GRANT ANDERSON | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS. | No | |
26759 | 1994-002 | 513 U.S. 5 | 1994 | ANTHONY S. AUSTIN v. UNITED STATES | Opinion | unchanged | to resolve question presented | “CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT” “In this case, we are asked to decide whether the Excessive Fines Clause of the Eighth Amendment applies to forfeitures of property under 21 U. S. C. §§881(a)(4) and (a)(7).” | No | |
26849 | 1994-093 | 515 U.S. 951 | 1994 | J. D. NETHERLAND, WARDEN v. LEM DAVIS TUGGLE | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT” | No | |
26870 | 1995-021 | 516 U.S. 297 | 1995 | ROBERT ATTWOOD v. HARRY K. SINGLETARY, JR., SECRETARY, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS on a habeas petition. | No | |
26874 | 1995-025 | 516 U.S. 363 | 1995 | SYLVESTER JONES v. ABC-TV et al. | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS. | No | |
26875 | 1995-026 | 516 U.S. 365 | 1995 | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. STATE OF MAINE et al. | Opinion | original | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This was a motion for entry of a supplemental decree | “ON MOTION FOR ENTRY OF SUPPLEMENTAL DECREE” | No |
26891 | 1995-042 | 517 U.S. 343 | 1995 | LIANG-HOUH SHIEH v. EDWARD KAKITA et al. | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS. | No | |
26892 | 1995-043 | 517 U.S. 345 | 1995 | MICHAEL BOWERSOX, SUPERINTENDENT, POTOSI CORRECTIONAL CENTER v. DOYLE J. WILLIAMS | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | See ALABAMA v. EVANS discussion. This is an application to vacate a stay. | No | |
26982 | 1996-043 | 520 U.S. 303 | 1996 | In re EILEEN VEY | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS on a habeas petition. | No | |
27036 | 1996-097 | 521 U.S. 982 | 1996 | WILLIAM R. POUNDERS, JUDGE, SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES COUNTY v. PENELOPE WATSON | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | No | ||
27137 | 1997-103 | 523 U.S. 1015 | 1997 | CATERPILLAR INC. v. INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | Rule 46 dismissal | “Writ of certiorari dismissed under this Court’s Rule 46.1.” | No |
27138 | 1997-104 | 523 U.S. 1113 | 1997 | LEWIS v. BRUNSWICK CORP. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | Rule 46 dismissal | “Writ of certiorari dismissed under this Court’s Rule 46.1.” | No |
27148 | 1998-010 | 525 U.S. 153 | 1998 | In re MICHAEL KENNEDY | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS on a habeas petition. | No | |
27156 | 1998-018 | 525 U.S. 315 | 1998 | CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, et al. v. PAUL FELZEN et al. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SEVENTH CIRCUIT” | No | |
27171 | 1998-033 | 526 U.S. 122 | 1998 | BARBARA SCHWARZ v. NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY et al. | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS on a cert petition. | No | |
27173 | 1998-035 | 526 U.S. 135 | 1998 | VINCENT F. RIVERA v. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS on a cert petition. | No | |
27202 | 1998-064 | 526 U.S. 811 | 1998 | RICHARD M. CROSS v. PELICAN BAY STATE PRISON et al. | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS on a cert petition. | No | |
27230 | 1998-093 | 527 U.S. 885 | 1998 | RONALD DWAYNE WHITFIELD v. TEXAS | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS on a cert petition. | No | |
27232 | 1999-002 | 528 U.S. 1 | 1999 | DONALD H. BRANCATO v. PRISCILLA F. GUNN et al. | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS on a cert petition. | No | |
27233 | 1999-003 | 528 U.S. 3 | 1999 | MICHAEL C. ANTONELLI v. DALE CARIDINE et al. | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS on a cert petition. | No | |
27234 | 1999-004 | 528 U.S. 5 | 1999 | KEITH RUSSELL JUDD v. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS et al. | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS on a cert petition. | No | |
27235 | 1999-005 | 528 U.S. 9 | 1999 | ROBERT E. PRUNTY v. W. BROOKS et al. | Opinion | docketing fee | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | This is a motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis that was denied by SCOTUS on a cert petition. | No | |
27487 | 2001-086 | 535 U.S. 682 | 2001 | MATHIAS v. WORLDCOM TECHS. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | Because, after full briefing and oral argument, it is clear that petitioners were the prevailing parties below and seek review of uncongenial findings not essential to the judgment and not binding upon them in future litigation, certiorari is dismissed as improvidently granted. | No | |
27542 | 2002-055 | 538 U.S. 715 | 2002 | CITY OF LOS ANGELES v. EDWIN F. DAVID | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT” | No | |
27731 | 2005-001 | 546 U.S. 1 | 2005 | PAUL ALLEN DYE v. GERALD HOFBAUER, WARDEN | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT” | No | |
27773 | 2005-043 | 547 U.S. 150 | 2005 | STATE OF ARIZONA v. STATE OF CALIFORNIA et al. | Opinion | original | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | (p. 150 in reference volume) This is a consolidation of fifty years of decrees originating from a bill of complaint from Arizona to California (and seven of its public agencies). These should fall under the Court’s original jurisdiction. | “on bill of complaint” | No |
27775 | 2005-045 | 547 U.S. 188 | 2005 | JEFFREY JEROME SALINAS v. UNITED STATES | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | (p. 188 in reference volume) | “on petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit” | No |
27818 | 2006-001 | 549 U.S. 1 | 2006 | HELEN PURCELL, MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDER, et al. v. MARIA M. GONZALEZ et al. | Opinion | stay | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | (p. 1 in reference volume) | “on application for stay” | No |
27839 | 2006-022 | 549 U.S. 437 | 2006 | KEITH LANCE, et al. v. MIKE COFFMAN, COLORADO SECRETARY OF STATE | Opinion | appeal | case did not arise on cert or cert not granted | No | ||
27915 | 2007-023 | 552 U.S. 440 | 2007 | WARNER-LAMBERT CO., LLC, et al. v. KIMBERLY KENT et al. | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT” | No | |
27966 | 2007-074 | 552 U.S. 1085 | 2007 | KLEIN & CO. FUTURES, INC. v. BD. OF TRADE | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | (p. 1085 in reference volume) Rule 46 dismissal | “Writ of certiorari dismissed under this Court’s Rule 46.1.” (p. 1086) | No |
28142 | 2009-094 | 561 U.S. 476 | 2009 | WEYHRAUCH v. UNITED STATES | Opinion | unchanged | no reason given | “The judgment is vacated, and the case is remanded to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit for further consideration in light of Skilling v. United States, ante, p. ___.” | No |
Thanks to Michael Rauh for pointing out that it is a quarter of the length of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. ↩
If you were hoping for interesting cases here, you’re in for some serious disappointment. Both Cudahy and Lowell center on who in the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hours Division has the power to issue subpoenas duces tecum (orders to produce documents and evidence) under the Fair Labor Standards Act (or, more pedantically, whether or not the FLSA confers the right to delegate that authority to regional administrators). Pretty dry stuff.
Still, there are as always a few interesting pieces of trivia pertaining to the Cudahy case. It is the third Supreme Court case on the FLSA of 1938 (hurray for labor laws!), and I could definitely be convinced to read more about the legal battles that were presumably raging at this time about worker rights. Also, as the review discusses, the Cudahy decision is a pretty clear error in interpretation of the FLSA. Most interesting of all, however, is the history of the Cudahy Packing Company, a meat packing company founded in the 1880s. It is one of the “big five” meat packing companies of Chicago wrapped up into Durham’s company in The Jungle, companies that used appalling working conditions, deplorable quality control, brutal business tactics to drive up profits and maintain an oligopoly. Cudahy also owned one of the ugliest buildings I have ever seen on the National Register of Historic Places, although admittedly I don’t actively seek out industrial buildings. There’s a huge rabbit hole here that I don’t plan to follow at the moment, but I’ll leave my fellow Los Angeles natives with a great piece on Cudahy’s entrance, activities, and legacy in our city. ↩
Theoretically at least. It doesn’t look like Palau has been party to a case that’s reached SCOTUS yet. ↩
I hope this number looks outdated in the next year or two. ↩
For those playing along at home, ca. sa. is short for capias ad satisfaciendum. That and recognizing from context that the bail’s “principal” is a human being can get you most of the way through the aforementioned paragraph. I’m still not confident I understand how a writ of scire facias works, however. I’m so grateful that efforts have been made to make the law more readable in the intervening centuries between Davidson and the present. ↩
Again, I am so sorry. This is less wordplay and more a cry for help. ↩
“Fun” fact for anyone wondering why I use
in the next cell: a bug has existed in Pandas for at least several years that preventsrsplit
from recognizing regular expressions as separators. It also looks like work towards a fix has stalled. Maybe I’ll pick up that torch. ↩