In an upcoming post, I’ll be answering a question posed on the Opening Arguments podcast to their mathematician/data-oriented listeners about voting behavior on the U.S. Supreme Court. (If you’re unfamiliar with OA, check it out! It’s a phenomenal resource for laypeople interested in the law.) I’ll save the details for the follow-up post, but the question requires knowing the voting record of SCOTUS justices or, at very least, the distribution of majority and minority votes in all SCOTUS rulings from the last fifty years.

Being new to data science in the legal domain, I went on the hunt for a suitable dataset with tempered expectations, preparing myself to do some webscraping from sources like SCOTUS blog. Much to my surprise, I quickly discovered the Supreme Court Database, a resource that’s purpose-built for these sorts of analyses and goes far beyond anything I would normally expect to discover.

Several people have expressed interest in this data source to me, and I hope this post provides a reasonable overview of how one can get started accessing the data in Python. I also started an initiative at work the other year where I show coworkers (usually software engineers) the ways of the force data science from the ground up, and I’m hoping this will be informative for some of its members.

It also serves as a great excuse to start adding some blog posts to this website, which is something I’ve had on the radar for far too long.

import datetime as dt
import functools
import io
import zipfile

from pathlib import Path

import git
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyreadstat
import requests

from tqdm.notebook import tqdm

REPO_ROOT = Path(git.Repo('.', search_parent_directories=True).working_tree_dir).absolute()

Data Sources

I’ll be using the “case-centered” forms of the Supreme Court Database (SCDB)1 for my analysis, specifically the Legacy 06 and Version 2020 Release 01 revisions. If you’re as new to the SCDB as I was before this project, it is a collection of meticulously-curated datasets comprised of every Supreme Court decision in US history. Each decision is enriched with a large amount of metadata ranging from simple case identifiers to topics and legal provisions at issue. While the case-centric form of the database suits our immediate needs, it’s worth noting that there are also “justice-centered” forms of the databases that break down the voting records of every justice on the court across history. I’ve kept myself focused on the task at hand for this post, but I’m looking forward to digging deeper into the other forms of the database at a later date.

Some Remarks on Available Data Formats

SCDB files can be downloaded in a wide variety of formats. Unfortunately, these formats cater to Excel, R, SAS, SPSS, and Stata users but not to us Pythonistas. Of the formats with out-of-the-box support in Pandas (without installing extras), only CSV is an option provided by the SCDB team. Using CSVs wouldn’t be a major issue all other concerns being equal, but the available CSV files are mostly made up of categorical features that have been encoded as integers. The user is expected to interpret these integers by referencing a codebook the SCDB team maintains as a PDF and a web app. This is an artifact of the age and funding of the SCDB, which has been maintained and updated for nearly fourty years at this point.

Scraping metadata from a PDF or the SCDB website seemed a bridge too far for the post. Before going down that path, however, I noticed that the SCDB documentation states the database is exported with “plain English” fields to data formats that support them, which appears to mean formats for SPSS and the other statistical software packages. This is great news, since it means we can use the read_spss method in Pandas read_sav method in pyreadstat to access the data in its full glory.2

[1]: Harold J. Spaeth, Lee Epstein, Andrew D. Martin, Jeffrey A. Segal, Theodore J. Ruger, and Sara C. Benesh. 2020 Supreme Court Database, Version 2020 Release 01. URL:

[2]: The .sav files are ISO-8859-1-encoded, but Pandas does not provide a way to specify which encoding is at play when invoking read_spss. Instead, read_spss relies on pyreadstat’s automatic encoding detection, which appears to fail on the Legacy dataset, resulting in pyreadstat choking. Assuming I, a non-SPSS user, can generate some small .sav test files for this, with any luck I’ll be submitting a PR for Pandas that will allow passing an encoding to pyreadstat for SPSS datasets Soon™. Who knew that I’d ever be a repeat contributor to the SPSS side of Pandas?

SCDB Dataset Retrieval

There are eight different versions of the modern SCDB, corresponding to a choice between two units of analysis and four different interpretations of what should constitute a single case/vote. Specifically, we can choose versions of the SCDB with

  • one record per case or one record per vote of an individual justice
  • cases broken down by citation (one record per consolidated SCOTUS case), docket (one record per case without consolidation), individual issue facing the court (one record for every major issue/legal provision), or distinct voting blocs on individual issues.

The most relevant version of the SCDB for a first pass at addressing the question from OA will be the case-centered dataset broken down by citation, although the “justice-centered” and per-issue-voting-bloc variants of the SCDB could definitely play a role in some of the visualization work I’m interested in performing in the future. For now we’ll write a simple method that can retrieve all of these datasets from the SCDB along with the “legacy” versions of the per-citation datasets containing a complete record back to the first case in 1791. (Legacy versions of the other dataset variants are not currently available.)

def download_and_extract_zip(url, destination_dir):
    zip_file_stream = io.BytesIO()

def retrieve_scdb_dataset(scdb_version, dataset_version, usecols=None, data_dir=DATA_PATH / 'raw', **kwargs):
    file_name = f'SCDB_{scdb_version}_{dataset_version}.sav'
    url = f'{scdb_version}/{file_name}.zip'
    local_file = Path(data_dir) / file_name

    if not local_file.exists():
        download_and_extract_zip(url, data_dir)
        dataset = pd.read_spss(local_file)
    except pyreadstat._readstat_parser.ReadstatError:
        dataset, _ = pyreadstat.read_sav(
    return dataset

case_decisions = pd.concat(
    [retrieve_scdb_dataset(scdb_version, 'caseCentered_Citation')
     for scdb_version in ['Legacy_06', '2020_01']],

justice_decisions = pd.concat(
    [retrieve_scdb_dataset(scdb_version, 'justiceCentered_Citation')
     for scdb_version in ['Legacy_06', '2020_01']],

other_modern_decisions = {
    (unit_of_analysis, granularity): (
        retrieve_scdb_dataset('2020_01', f'{unit_of_analysis}Centered_{granularity}')
    for unit_of_analysis in ['case', 'justice']
    for granularity in ['Docket', 'LegalProvision', 'Vote']

Inspecting & Cleaning the Datasets

These datasets are incredibly rich with case metadata. As an example, let’s take a look at Marbury v. Madison in case_decisions.

with pd.option_context('display.max_colwidth', 200):
            case_decisions.caseName.str.contains(r'Marbury.*v\..*Madison.*', case=False)
        ].T.iloc[:, 0]
caseId                                                                                       1803-005
docketId                                                                                  1803-005-01
caseIssuesId                                                                           1803-005-01-01
voteId                                                                              1803-005-01-01-01
dateDecision                                                                              6.95399e+09
decisionType                                                                     opinion of the court
usCite                                                                                     5 U.S. 137
ledCite                                                                                   2 L. Ed. 60
lexisCite                                                                         1803 U.S. LEXIS 352
term                                                                                             1803
naturalCourt                                                                               Marshall 1
chief                                                                                        Marshall
dateArgument                                                                              6.95287e+09
dateRearg                                                                                         NaN
petitioner                                                                                      judge
petitionerState                                                                  District of Columbia
respondent                                                                        Department of State
respondentState                                                                                   NaN
jurisdiction                                                                                 mandamus
adminAction                                                                                       NaN
adminActionState                                                                                  NaN
threeJudgeFdc                                                                 no mentionof 3-judge ct
caseOrigin                                                                                        NaN
caseOriginState                                                                                   NaN
caseSource                                                                                        NaN
caseSourceState                                                                                   NaN
lcDisagreement                                                                  no mention of dissent
certReason                                                                                    no cert
lcDisposition                                                                                     NaN
lcDispositionDirection                                                                   conservative
declarationUncon                                                                 fed unconstitutional
caseDisposition                                                             pet. denied, app. dismiss
caseDispositionUnusual                                                         no unusual disposition
partyWinning                                                                          petitioner lost
precedentAlteration                                                               precedent unaltered
voteUnclear                                                                    vote clearly specified
issue                                                                  jud. admin.: S.Ct. orig. juris
issueArea                                                                              Judicial Power
decisionDirection                                                                        conservative
decisionDirectionDissent                                                    dissent in opp. direction
authorityDecision1                                                             statutory construction
authorityDecision2                                                                                NaN
lawType                                                                    Infrequent Litigate (Code)
lawSupp                                                                    Infrequent litigate (Code)
lawMinor                                                                        Judiciary Act of 1789
majOpinWriter                                                                               JMarshall
majOpinAssigner                                                                             JMarshall
splitVote                                                                 1st vote on issue/provision
majVotes                                                                                            6
minVotes                                                                                            0
Name: 73, dtype: object

The justice-centered datasets are identical aside from a handful of new columns that break down majority and minority voting coalitions.

    justice_decisions.lexisCite == '1803 U.S. LEXIS 352',
secondAgreement direction firstAgreement justiceName vote justice majority opinion
426 NaN conservative NaN JMarshall voted w/ majority, plurality JMarshall majority justice wrote an opinion
427 NaN conservative NaN WCushing voted w/ majority, plurality WCushing majority justice wrote no opinion
428 NaN conservative NaN WPaterson voted w/ majority, plurality WPaterson majority justice wrote no opinion
429 NaN conservative NaN SChase voted w/ majority, plurality SChase majority justice wrote no opinion
430 NaN conservative NaN BWashington voted w/ majority, plurality BWashington majority justice wrote no opinion
431 NaN conservative NaN AMoore voted w/ majority, plurality AMoore majority justice wrote no opinion

Out of the box, the records are very well-groomed, with modern decisions being entered with laudable consistency.'deep')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 28891 entries, 0 to 28890
Data columns (total 53 columns):
 #   Column                    Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------                    --------------  -----   
 0   caseId                    28891 non-null  object  
 1   docketId                  28891 non-null  object  
 2   caseIssuesId              28891 non-null  object  
 3   voteId                    28891 non-null  object  
 4   dateDecision              28891 non-null  float64 
 5   decisionType              28890 non-null  object  
 6   usCite                    28891 non-null  object  
 7   sctCite                   28891 non-null  object  
 8   ledCite                   28891 non-null  object  
 9   lexisCite                 28891 non-null  object  
 10  term                      28891 non-null  float64 
 11  naturalCourt              28891 non-null  object  
 12  chief                     28891 non-null  object  
 13  docket                    28891 non-null  object  
 14  caseName                  28891 non-null  object  
 15  dateArgument              23059 non-null  float64 
 16  dateRearg                 628 non-null    float64 
 17  petitioner                28889 non-null  object  
 18  petitionerState           3730 non-null   object  
 19  respondent                28887 non-null  object  
 20  respondentState           6297 non-null   object  
 21  jurisdiction              28889 non-null  object  
 22  adminAction               7213 non-null   object  
 23  adminActionState          2248 non-null   object  
 24  threeJudgeFdc             28817 non-null  category
 25  caseOrigin                27952 non-null  object  
 26  caseOriginState           7195 non-null   object  
 27  caseSource                28331 non-null  object  
 28  caseSourceState           6942 non-null   object  
 29  lcDisagreement            28859 non-null  category
 30  certReason                28803 non-null  object  
 31  lcDisposition             16038 non-null  category
 32  lcDispositionDirection    27730 non-null  category
 33  declarationUncon          28889 non-null  category
 34  caseDisposition           28635 non-null  category
 35  caseDispositionUnusual    28888 non-null  category
 36  partyWinning              28874 non-null  category
 37  precedentAlteration       28889 non-null  category
 38  voteUnclear               28886 non-null  category
 39  issue                     28775 non-null  object  
 40  issueArea                 28775 non-null  category
 41  decisionDirection         28797 non-null  category
 42  decisionDirectionDissent  28658 non-null  category
 43  authorityDecision1        28773 non-null  category
 44  authorityDecision2        4191 non-null   category
 45  lawType                   27556 non-null  category
 46  lawSupp                   27556 non-null  object  
 47  lawMinor                  28891 non-null  object  
 48  majOpinWriter             26664 non-null  object  
 49  majOpinAssigner           28589 non-null  object  
 50  splitVote                 28891 non-null  category
 51  majVotes                  28891 non-null  float64 
 52  minVotes                  28891 non-null  float64 
dtypes: category(17), float64(6), object(30)
memory usage: 55.5 MB

The SCDB’s online codebook covers the encodings for every field in the database in grim detail. I won’t go into many of the details here, but as you might expect from the call, for the most part NaNs are used throughout the dataset to convey that a field is not applicable for a given record. Little imputation is necessary throughout the data, although in categorical fields that we will rely on in later work we will replace NaN values with additional categories to make our lives easier.

Sparse Row Cleanup

Before attempting to address issues in each column, let’s first look at the records to see if any standout as glaringly problematic. This will also give us a chance to look at the meaning of each field in a bit more detail.

I’m particularly interested in decisions with a large number of missing fields.

is_modern_decision = case_decisions.term >= 1946

missing_fields = (
        .pipe(lambda df: df.isna() | df.astype(str).isin({'', 'NA', 'NULL', 'na', 'null'}))

print('5 Sparsest Records:')

print('Missing Field Count Deciles:')
display(missing_fields.quantile(np.linspace(0, 1, 11)))

print('Record Count by Number of Missing Values:')
5 Sparsest Records:

26661    28
27137    24
27138    24
20345    23
20243    22
dtype: int64

Missing Field Count Deciles:

0.0     2.0
0.1     6.0
0.2     7.0
0.3     7.0
0.4     8.0
0.5     8.0
0.6     8.0
0.7     9.0
0.8     9.0
0.9    11.0
1.0    28.0
dtype: float64

Record Count by Number of Missing Values:

2        7
3       63
4      189
5      323
6     1220
7     1457
8     2392
9     1586
10     661
11     431
12     228
13     202
14      99
15      56
16      51
17      24
18       5
19       4
20       7
21       9
22      12
23       1
24       2
28       1
dtype: int64

Yikes! After imputing values column-by-column, it may behoove us to scrutinize the remaining sparse records in the database. For now, however, one case stands out among all modern decisions with over half its fields missing.

The Great Granite State v. Tandy Corp. Mystery

caseId                                                   1992-121
docketId                                              1992-121-01
caseIssuesId                                       1992-121-01-01
voteId                                          1992-121-01-01-01
dateDecision                                           1.2954e+10
decisionType                                    per curiam (oral)
usCite                                              507 U.S. 1026
sctCite                                           113 S. Ct. 1836
ledCite                                         123 L. Ed. 2d 463
lexisCite                                    1993 U.S. LEXIS 2702
term                                                         1992
naturalCourt                                          Rehnquist 5
chief                                                   Rehnquist
docket                                                    91-2086
caseName                    GRANITE STATE INS. CO. v. TANDY CORP.
dateArgument                                          1.29498e+10
dateRearg                                                     NaN
petitioner                              insurance company, surety
petitionerState                                               NaN
respondent                                  business, corporation
respondentState                                               NaN
jurisdiction                                                 cert
adminAction                                                   NaN
adminActionState                                              NaN
threeJudgeFdc                                                 NaN
caseOrigin                                                    NaN
caseOriginState                                               NaN
caseSource                                                    NaN
caseSourceState                                               NaN
lcDisagreement                                                NaN
certReason                                                    NaN
lcDisposition                                                 NaN
lcDispositionDirection                                        NaN
declarationUncon                                              NaN
caseDisposition                         pet. denied, app. dismiss
caseDispositionUnusual                                        NaN
partyWinning                                      petitioner lost
precedentAlteration                                           NaN
voteUnclear                                                   NaN
issue                                                         NaN
issueArea                                                     NaN
decisionDirection                                             NaN
decisionDirectionDissent                                      NaN
authorityDecision1                                            NaN
authorityDecision2                                            NaN
lawType                                                       NaN
lawSupp                                                       NaN
lawMinor                                                       NA
majOpinWriter                                                 NaN
majOpinAssigner                                       WHRehnquist
splitVote                             1st vote on issue/provision
majVotes                                                        9
minVotes                                                        0
Name: 26661, dtype: object

Roughly half of the fields in this record are null, many of which are not permitted to be per the documentation. It’s worth validating that this isn’t an artifact of our import process, and indeed the Granite State v. Tandy Corp. page on the SCDB’s website seems to be equally lacking in details.

Let’s break down the missing values in Granite State and see if we can’t fill them in by getting our hands a bit dirty.

  • petitionerState and respondentState specify which state actor is party to the case when applicable. Since neither Granite State Insurance Company nor Tandy Corporation are government agents, these values being set to NaN is consistent with how the remainder of the dataset is supposed to be coded. We’ll leave them be until we address these columns individually later in the series.

  • adminAction and adminActionState indicate which, if any, administrative agency or agency official and its state (if not a federal agency) performed an action related to the case before litigation began. Again, these variables are irrelevant to the case in question, and we leave them be.

  • threeJudgeFdc flags cases that were heard by a three-judge federal district court during the early 1900s. As mentioned in the documentation, this court setup was legislated into existence at the turn of the twentieth century and gradually phased out, to the point where this form of case is almost non-existent in the Rehnquist and Roberts Courts.

    This case was presided over by Judge Hittner in the Federal District Court for the Southern District of Texas, so we may safely fill this field in with 'no mentionof 3-judge ct', the unfortunate corresponding string.

  • caseOrigin and caseSource provide the lower courts where the case originated and was appealed from, respectively, with caseOriginState and caseSourceState being used to capture the state in question for lower state courts. These variables are only ever all supposed to be NaN in cases of original jurisdiction for SCOTUS. As we just mentioned, Granite State originated in the Federal District Court for the Sourthern District of Texas, and it was then appealed to the Fifth Circuit. We leave the two […]State fields as NaNs for the time being and fill caseOrigin and caseSource with the appropriate 'Texas South. U.S. Dist. Ct.' and 'U.S. Ct. App., Fifth Cir.' values found throughout case_decisions.

  • Variables beginning with lc reflect aspects of the proceedings of the case at a lower court. The lcDisagreement field is a bit of an odd duck, stating whether the SCOTUS opinion states that any lower court justices dissented, even if another authoritative source says otherwise. The Supreme Court’s decision in this case is a simple dismissal. Absent are all details, let alone the breakdown of the votes of Fifth Circuit judges in their decision.

  • The remaining two lower court variables, lcDisposition and lcDispositionDirection, indicate how the caseSource court reviewed the caseOrigin court’s decision and whether or not the caseSource court’s review resulted in a liberal or conservative outcome. What constitutes a liberal or conservative decision is laid out carefully in the documentation of the related decisionDirection variable, which is identical to lcDispositionDirection in meaning except that (a) it considers the Supreme Court’s decision in relation to the caseSource court’s decision and (b) its value is also impacted by the decisionDirectionDissent variable discussed shortly.

    In Granite State, the Fifth Circuit affirmed the district court’s decision, and SCOTUS dismissed Granite State’s cert petition. I don’t believe the nature of the parties and the procedural nature of the case, I don’t believe a liberal or conservative angle exists in this case, and I’ve bolstered my confidence by reading the Fifth Circuit decision and listening to oral arguments. I believe that 'unspecifiable' is completely appropriate for both of these direction variables.

  • The decisionDirectionDissent variable captures the relative direction of the majority and dissenting opinions when they agree on the case’s issue but differ on what relief is deserved. In this case, unfortunately, the SCDB changes the meaning of what is encoded in the decisionDirection field to reflect whether the decisionDirection (the direction of the majority opinion) is more liberal or conservative than the dissenting opinion. This isn’t a concern for the unanimous Granite State decision, but it is worth keeping in mind for analytics purposes.

  • caseDispositionUnusual indicates whether or not the Court’s opinion fits into of the standard caseDisposition categories. This isn’t a problem in this decision.

  • Petitions for writs of certiorari are the most common petitions received by SCOTUS by a considerable marging, and certReason captures the reason they granted cert as stated in the case’s majority opinion. There are a number of issues with certReason that we’ll cover in the sequel, so we’ll leave this field as-is for the time being.

  • authorityDecision1 and authorityDecision2 state the grounds for the Court’s authority in each case. While they appear rather complicated to evaluate, this is clearly a case of supervision of a lower court.

  • declarationUncon and precedentAlteration provide whether or not SCOTUS struck down legislation as unconstitutional or altered their own precedent. Neither of these is relevant to a dismissal.

  • voteUnclear flags the rare opinions where it’s unclear who voted in the majority and minority. Again, this is irrelevant for Granite State.

  • majOpinWriter stores the Justice who wrote the majority opinion. This dismissal was reported as an order without a declared author, so leaving this missing is appropriate for now.

That brings us to the final five missing fields: issue, issueArea, lawType, lawSupp, and lawMinor. These fields provide details about the subject matter of a case and the main statutes, orders, etc. at play.

REVISE: Unfortunately, I do not feel qualified to fill these in with any confidence. If I had to hazard guesses, however, I would say the following:

  • The issue in the case is “judicial administration: review of non-final order” (or 'jud. admin.: review of order' in our dataset), which makes 'Judicial Power' the issueArea.
    • It’s possible that the issue for this case should be “judicial administration: jurisdiction or authority of federal district courts or territorial courts” (or 'jud. admin.: Dist. Ct. jurisd.' in our dataset), but my first guess seems to be a better fit.
  • The fields lawType, lawSupp, and lawMinor together describe the specific clauses of the Constitution, sections of the U.S. Code, etc. that are at issue in the case. This is where I am least equipped to answer as a non-expert, non-SCDB contributor. This is compounded by the lack of an actual Supreme Court opinion in this case. Brief references to Granite State appear in the 506th and 507th bound volumes of the United States Reports as short “orders”, granting the cert petition and dismissing it under SCOTUS Rule 46. If I had to guess, Granite State requested their petition be dismissed in anticipation of an unfavorable opinion following oral arguments. Accordingly, I have to go on the opinions from the Federal District Court and Fifth Circuit together with Supreme Court oral arguments.

    After reading through the transcript of oral arguments and skimming the lower court opinions, I think it’s fair to say that interpretation of the Declaratory Judgment Act (28 U.S.C. §2201) is the core issue before the Court. There are some other statutes at play, predominantly in arguments before and opinions of the lower courts, that address jurisdictional questions, including 28 U.S.C. §1292(a)(3), 28 U.S.C. §1291, and the collateral order doctrine. These, however, take a backseat to the Declaratory Judgment Act in Granite State Insurance Corporation’s oral arguments before the Supreme Court. If my interpretation is consistent with that of SCDB authors, we should then set lawType and lawSupp equal to 'Infrequent Litigate (Code)' and 'Infrequent litigate (Code)' (resp.) and lawMinor equal to "28 U.S.C. §2201" (or whichever formatting of this statute has been adopted in the rest of the SCDB … they are a bit inconsistent here).

is_granite_state_v_tandy_corp = case_decisions.caseId == '1992-121'
] = [
    'no mentionof 3-judge ct',
    'Texas South. U.S. Dist. Ct.',
    'U.S. Ct. App., Fifth Cir.',
    'no mention of dissent',
    'no unusual disposition',
    'no unconstitutional',
    'precedent unaltered',
    'vote clearly specified',
    'original juris. or supervis.',
    'jud. admin.: review of order',
    'Judicial Power',
    'Infrequent Litigate (Code)',
    'Infrequent litigate (Code)',
    '28 U.S.C. § 2201'

Numeric Columns

With Granite State out of the way, let’s move on to analyzing the fields in the case decisions dataset, beginning with numerics.

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
dateDecision 28891.0 1.067607e+10 1.545968e+09 6.589210e+09 9.567374e+09 1.052749e+10 1.196480e+10 1.381363e+10
term 28891.0 1.919980e+03 4.882050e+01 1.791000e+03 1.885000e+03 1.915000e+03 1.961000e+03 2.019000e+03
dateArgument 23059.0 1.081233e+10 1.557930e+09 6.589123e+09 9.688680e+09 1.076786e+10 1.209764e+10 1.380871e+10
dateRearg 628.0 1.031189e+10 1.665693e+09 6.747235e+09 8.551678e+09 1.067848e+10 1.152088e+10 1.376698e+10
majVotes 28891.0 7.721297e+00 1.408301e+00 1.000000e+00 7.000000e+00 8.000000e+00 9.000000e+00 1.000000e+01
minVotes 28891.0 7.300890e-01 1.266678e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 4.000000e+00
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 28891 entries, 0 to 28890
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column        Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------        --------------  -----  
 0   dateDecision  28891 non-null  float64
 1   term          28891 non-null  float64
 2   dateArgument  23059 non-null  float64
 3   dateRearg     628 non-null    float64
 4   majVotes      28891 non-null  float64
 5   minVotes      28891 non-null  float64
dtypes: float64(6)
memory usage: 1.3 MB

As the documentation suggests, dateDecision and term values are provided for every record, with supplementary dateArgument and dateRearg provided for cases that were argued before SCOTUS at least once. Nothing jumps out immediately as out of place here except the data types.

Correcting the integral columns is straightforward.

case_decisions = case_decisions.astype({
    'term': 'uint16',
    'majVotes': 'uint8',
    'minVotes': 'uint8'

It’s a DATE12?

Slightly more interesting here is why pyreadstat struggles with the date columns dateDecision, dateArgument, and dateRearg. Does pyreadstat recognize these as date fields? We can find out by looking at the metadata it generates.

_, metadata = pyreadstat.read_sav(
    str(DATA_PATH / 'raw' / 'SCDB_Legacy_06_caseCentered_Citation.sav'),

 for column_name in ['dateDecision', 'dateArgument', 'dateRearg']}

Ah yes … DATE12. Not being an SPSS user, I wasn’t sure how to interpret this data type (beyond confirming that it’s some date format), and, judging from its source code, neither was pyreadstat! Online documentation of data formats also appears to be a weak point for SPSS, so I was initially in the dark on this.

Here GNU came to the rescue. Apparently GNU PSPP is a thing, a thing that can even run on macOS … arguably. With PSPP set up I was able to load one of the .sav files. The DATE12 columns appeared to be in the same date format found throughout the SCDB CSV files, which is to say DD-MON-YYYY, where MON is the first three letters in the English name of the month, fully capitalized (e.g., NOV for November). (For Python users playing along at home, this is %d-%b-%y strftime format except with the locale-specific month short name fully capitalized.)

Unfortunately, this didn’t explain the meaning of the floats in these columns within the dataset, which clearly are not in Unix time (given that they’re positive and date back to 1791). Without understanding them, our only options would involve joining the corrected versions of these columns from the dataset in a different file format, a far less than ideal outcome.

Fortunately, playing with common date/time constants gives us a huge clue regarding the DATE12 data type.

case_decisions.dateDecision.dropna().astype(int) // 86400
0         76264
1         76264
2         76459
3         76634
4         76638
28886    159866
28887    159870
28888    159863
28889    159877
28890    159880
Name: dateDecision, Length: 28891, dtype: int64

As with other SPSS date formats handled by SPSS, the floats appear to encode seconds in a certain number of days. Again, however, this isn’t epoch time. What is the “epoch” that these timestamps have been counting up from? If they are consistent, we can find out by looking at the date values for West v. Barnes (or any other case of our choice).

west_v_barnes = case_decisions.iloc[0]

display(west_v_barnes[['caseName', 'dateArgument', 'dateDecision']])

west_v_barnes[['dateArgument', 'dateDecision']].astype(int) // 86400
caseName        WEST, PLS. IN ERR. VERSUS BARNES. et al.
dateArgument                                 6.58912e+09
dateDecision                                 6.58921e+09
Name: 0, dtype: object

dateArgument    76263
dateDecision    76264
Name: 0, dtype: int64

We know from Wikipedia that West v. Barnes was argued on August 2nd, 1791 and decided the following day. The “epoch” for DATE12 dates appears to be $76,263$ days before August 2nd, 1791, which would be …

dt.datetime(1791, 8, 2) - dt.timedelta(days=76_263)
datetime.datetime(1582, 10, 14, 0, 0)

Right … October 14th, 1582. Naturally.

Unexpected though this date representation may seem, it actually makes perfect sense for SPSS. This is Gregorian Epoch Time! October 15th, 1582 was the start of Gregorian Calendar usage in Europe, following a period of days that were simply skipped for participating countries. This is about as far back as one can go with a date or datetime field without having to add Julian-to/from-Gregorian logic to everything in one’s program, which makes it a reasonable minimum date for SPSS files.

For further evidence, notice that this date also serves as the spss_origin variable in pyreadstat, which is used throughout the library to perform SPSS date and datetime conversions analogous to the following:

date_column_names = ['dateArgument', 'dateRearg', 'dateDecision']

def gregorian_epoch_time_to_datetime64(timestamp_seconds):
    return dt.datetime(1582, 10, 14) + dt.timedelta(seconds=timestamp_seconds)

case_decisions = case_decisions.assign(
        date_column_name: functools.partial(
            lambda df, column_name: df[column_name].map(
                gregorian_epoch_time_to_datetime64, na_action='ignore'
        for date_column_name in date_column_names

justice_decisions = justice_decisions.assign(
        date_column_name: functools.partial(
            lambda df, column_name: df[column_name].map(
                gregorian_epoch_time_to_datetime64, na_action='ignore'
        for date_column_name in date_column_names

Tying It All Together with DVC

This post originally was several times the length of what’s above, with initial data munging performed across the majorty of the columns in the case_decisions dataset. I decided it worth breaking up into a series of posts for readability, and this decision has at least one auxiliary benefit; it gives me an excuse to try out DVC!

DVC (short for “Data Version Control”) is a lightweight tool for versioning data, experiments, models, and the pipelines that connect them together. It’s like Git and Make had a baby, gave it a Python SDK for its first birthday, and taught it good practices in data engineering, data science, and MLOps along the way. DVC is designed to complement Git, providing a similar CLI (and Git hooks) that allows for defining data pipelines and tracking the evolution of data, model, and experimental artifacts without bogging down Git with large files. Avoiding committing large files to version control is accomplished with a pointer system similar to the one used by Git-LFS but without assuming you have a Git LFS server set up (or will use GitHub’s or Atlassian’s). Instead, DVC supports a wide variety of remote storage options including object storage in the big three public clouds, HDFS, SSH/SFTP, read-only HTTP, and even local paths. Local and in-repository storage are also supported, and remote data is cached locally when that’s convenient and physically possible.

Multi-stage ML pipelines are defined in YAML files (or interactively via the CLI), and like Make, the essential ingredients of each stage in the pipeline are a name, a set of inputs (dependencies), a set of outputs, and a command to execute. And, again just like Make targets, these stages, changes in their dependencies, and the DAG they form (that is, the ML pipeline) are all known to DVC, which makes keeping data up-to-date easy and efficient.

There’s a lot to like here with DVC. It’s not just “Make with Git, storage integrations, and experiment metrics”, since it handles all of the I/O and pathing logic for versioned remote file storage, cached local file storage, and so on. Its CLI also seems intuitive as a Git user, and I’m a big fan of how it remains lightweight while also checking off all the essential boxes for data versioning and provenance. Tools like Pachyderm are great for enterprise settings, but who wants to keep a Kubernetes cluster running somewhere to track the data lineage of a side project? And DVC doesn’t depend on tab characters, which needless to say puts it lightyears ahead of Make. It’ll be interesting to see how DVC further distinguishes itself from more traditional and familiar tools as I try it out.

DVC Basics

Getting started with DVC (after installing its CLI) should be incredibly familiar to Git users. From within a pre-existing Git project, you might do something like the following to get off the ground:

  1. dvc init in the project’s root to create a .dvc directory and a minimal set of DVC files in your repository. These files will be staged by DVC so that you can commit them with Git.
  2. Register a remote for DVC-managed files with dvc remote add […]. This can be something like an S3 bucket and key prefix.
  3. Use dvc add […] to start tracking your data, experiment, and model artifacts. Say you have a dataset path/to/some_data.feather in your repository. If you add the dataset to DVC (using dvc add path/to/some_data.feather), DVC will create a new path/to/some_data.feather.dvc file in your repository and stage it with Git. This new .dvc file contains some simple YAML with all of the information DVC needs to retrieve your some_data.feather dataset from remote storage. You’ll want to commit this .dvc file in your Git repository in lieu of the dataset. Edit: While you can use dvc add for this purpose, if you’re planning on ingesting, processing, or emitting a data file as part of a pipeline, I recommend specifying as an input or output to a pipeline stage using dvc run […] instead (see what we do below in this repo for more details).
  4. Use dvc push […] commands to upload all of your DVC-tracked files to a remote.

From there, you can start defining a multi-stage pipeline for retrieving, wrangling, and transforming your data and then iteratively training and evaluating models. You can re-run an entire data pipeline by running dvc repro, as can collaborators. If your collaborators have access to your DVC remotes (as they should), they can also skip the pipeline and immediately download the most recent data files using dvc pull (or dvc fetch followed by dvc checkout, for further Git analogies).

Using DVC in This Series

By breaking up my original post into a series on different aspects of SCDB data processing, I’m going to be able to get a better sense of DVC’s feature set. I’ll take this a step farther by breaking up the processing done above into logical stages analogously to how I would in an actual complex data pipeline. A multi-stage pipeline is arguably overkill for what we’ve done and are planning to do to the data, but it’ll give us a way to test out more of the features in DVC as I update and expand this pipeline in future posts.

While DVC does support running a notebook as a stage (or part of a stage) in a pipeline3, I strongly discourage this practice for reasons4 that are mostly beyond the scope of this post. As part of fitting data science into agile team processes, I try to ensure that work going into a notebook appears there as part of a spike. Normally, after laying out changes to be made to an ML pipeline through data exploration and prototyping in a notebook, I would proceed to test-drive those transformations into a Python module. For the sake of keeping this in blog post format, however, I’ll just pare down what we’ve done above and logically distribute the code into several scripts representing different data pipeline stages: acquisition, featherization, and wrangling.

[3]: as shown in an example dvc.yaml file

[4]: This article by Kristina Young summarizes many of the core issues with this practice.

%mkdir -p "$REPO_ROOT/data_pipeline"

Data Acquisition Script

Here we’ll pull in our SCDB data sources. While we focused mostly on the case- and citation-centric version of the dataset, we’ll keep things interesting by pulling in the remaining datasets, as well. We’ll convert all of these datasets to feathers in the next stage, for now with the only goal being exposing another convenient format to Pythonistas.

%%writefile "$REPO_ROOT/data_pipeline/"
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import io
import zipfile

from pathlib import Path

import git
import requests

REPO_ROOT = Path(git.Repo('.', search_parent_directories=True).working_tree_dir).absolute()

def acquire_scdb_datasets():
    download_path = DATA_PATH / 'raw' / 'scdb'
    for unit_of_analysis in ['case', 'justice']:
        for record_granularity in ['Citation', 'Docket', 'LegalProvision', 'Vote']:

def acquire_scdb_dataset(scdb_version, dataset_version, data_dir):
    data_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    file_name = f'SCDB_{scdb_version}_{dataset_version}.sav'
    url = f'{scdb_version}/{file_name}.zip'
    local_file = Path(data_dir) / file_name

    if not local_file.exists():
        download_and_extract_zip(url, data_dir)

def download_and_extract_zip(url, destination_dir):
    zip_file_stream = io.BytesIO()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Now we can make DVC run as the first stage in the repository’s one and only pipeline.

%pushd "$REPO_ROOT"
!dvc run --name acquire \
         --outs-persist data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_caseCentered_Citation.sav \
         --outs-persist data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_caseCentered_Docket.sav \
         --outs-persist data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_caseCentered_LegalProvision.sav \
         --outs-persist data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_caseCentered_Vote.sav \
         --outs-persist data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_justiceCentered_Citation.sav \
         --outs-persist data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_justiceCentered_Docket.sav \
         --outs-persist data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_justiceCentered_LegalProvision.sav \
         --outs-persist data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_justiceCentered_Vote.sav \
         --outs-persist data/raw/scdb/SCDB_Legacy_06_caseCentered_Citation.sav \
         --outs-persist data/raw/scdb/SCDB_Legacy_06_justiceCentered_Citation.sav \
         poetry run python data_pipeline/

This results in DVC running the script and raising an error if one of the files set as an output (using an --outs* parameter) fails to be created. This is why I specified every output file manually in the dvc run call, even though DVC allows for directories to be outputs, as well; I want DVC to fail if any of the datasets fail to download.

If all downloads are successful, the acquire stage emits a message like the following on its first run:

WARNING: Build cache is ignored when persisting outputs.
Running callback stage 'acquire' with command:
	poetry run python data_pipeline/
Adding stage 'acquire' in 'dvc.yaml'
Updating lock file 'dvc.lock'

To track the changes with git, run:

	git add dvc.lock dvc.yaml data/raw/.gitignore

Note that using --outs-persist here rather than --outs tells DVC to not re-run this stage when dvc repro is called if all of the stage’s outputs already exist locally. I try to avoid bogging down someone else’s servers with unnecessary requests, especially when they’re the hand that feeds me.

Featherization Script

Next up, we transform the .sav files to feathers. I’ll probably wind up moving these to a more permanent location than data/interim once I make the underlying repository public.

%%writefile "$REPO_ROOT/data_pipeline/"
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pathlib import Path

import git
import pandas as pd
import pyreadstat
import requests

REPO_ROOT = Path(git.Repo('.', search_parent_directories=True).working_tree_dir).absolute()

def featherize_scdb_datasets():
    sav_files_dir = DATA_PATH / 'raw' / 'scdb'
    interim_data_dir = DATA_PATH / 'interim' / 'scdb'
    interim_data_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    for scdb_sav_path in sav_files_dir.glob('*.sav'):
        scdb_feather_path = interim_data_dir / f'{scdb_sav_path.stem}.feather'
        scdb_dataset = scdb_sav_to_dataframe(scdb_sav_path)
        categorical_columns = scdb_dataset.select_dtypes(include='category').columns
             .pipe(lambda df: df.astype({column: str for column in categorical_columns}))
             .pipe(lambda df: df.fillna({
                 column_name: 'MISSING_VALUE'
                 for column_name in df.select_dtypes(include='object').columns
             .pipe(lambda df: df.astype({column: 'category' for column in categorical_columns}))

def scdb_sav_to_dataframe(scdb_sav_path):
        dataset = pd.read_spss(str(scdb_sav_path))  # <-- str(…) due to a bug in pandas before v1.1.3
                                                    # see
    except Exception:
        dataset, _ = pyreadstat.read_sav(
    return dataset

if __name__ == '__main__':

Given that (a) the first stage will fail unless each of the desired SCDB files is retrieved and (b) a stage will fail if the command it runs exists abnormally, it should be safe to just to directories for the dependencies and outputs of the next stage.

%pushd "$REPO_ROOT"
!dvc run --name featherize \
         --deps data/raw/scdb \
         --outs data/interim/scdb \
         poetry run python data_pipeline/

Again this should result in an informative message with files to add/update in Git if it succeeds.

Running stage 'featherize' with command:
	poetry run python data_pipeline/
Adding stage 'featherize' in 'dvc.yaml'
Updating lock file 'dvc.lock'

To track the changes with git, run:

	git add data/processed/.gitignore dvc.lock dvc.yaml

Data Wrangling Script

And finally the main event. We drop our dataset unions, record corrections, casts, and date conversions into a single script for the time being, with all of these transformations only touch the case- and citation-centric dataset.

%%writefile "$REPO_ROOT/data_pipeline/"
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import datetime as dt
from pathlib import Path

import git
import pandas as pd

REPO_ROOT = Path(git.Repo('.', search_parent_directories=True).working_tree_dir).absolute()

def wrangle_scdb_data():
    interim_data_dir = DATA_PATH / 'interim' / 'scdb'
    processed_data_dir = DATA_PATH / 'processed' / 'scdb'
    processed_data_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    scdb_datasets = {
        'SCDB_Legacy-and-2020r1_caseCentered_Citation': pd.concat(
            [pd.read_feather(interim_data_dir / f'SCDB_{scdb_version}_caseCentered_Citation.feather')
             for scdb_version in ['Legacy_06', '2020_01']],
    for dataset_name, scdb_dataset in scdb_datasets.items():
                      threeJudgeFdc='no mentionof 3-judge ct',
                      caseOrigin='Texas South. U.S. Dist. Ct.',
                      caseSource='U.S. Ct. App., Fifth Cir.',
                      lcDisagreement='no mention of dissent',
                      caseDispositionUnusual='no unusual disposition',
                      declarationUncon='no unconstitutional',
                      precedentAlteration='precedent unaltered',
                      voteUnclear='vote clearly specified',
                      authorityDecision1='original juris. or supervis.',
                      issue='jud. admin.: review of order',
                      issueArea='Judicial Power',
                      lawType='Infrequent Litigate (Code)',
                      lawSupp='Infrequent litigate (Code)',
                      lawMinor='28 U.S.C. § 2201')
                .to_feather(processed_data_dir / f'{dataset_name}.feather')

def correct_record(scdb_df, scdb_case_id, **corrections):
        scdb_df.caseId == scdb_case_id,
    ] = list(corrections.values())
    return scdb_df

def set_dtypes(scdb_df):
    return scdb_df.astype({
        'term': 'uint16',
        'majVotes': 'uint8',
        'minVotes': 'uint8'
            date_column_name: functools.partial(
                lambda df, column_name: df[column_name].map(
                    gregorian_epoch_time_to_datetime64, na_action='ignore'
            for date_column_name in ['dateArgument', 'dateRearg', 'dateDecision']

def gregorian_epoch_time_to_datetime64(timestamp_seconds):
    return dt.datetime(1582, 10, 14) + dt.timedelta(seconds=timestamp_seconds)

if __name__ == '__main__':

There are different ways we could handle the dependencies for this stage, but for now we’ll just declare the whole data/interim/scdb directory as one big dependency for simplicity and to make relying on or modifying other datasets in easy in future pipeline updates.

%pushd "$REPO_ROOT"
!dvc run --name wrangle \
         --deps data/interim/scdb \
         --outs data/processed/scdb/SCDB_Legacy-and-2020r1_caseCentered_Citation.feather \
         poetry run python data_pipeline/

Again with the informative message regarding file changes.

Running stage 'wrangle' with command:
	poetry run python data_pipeline/
Adding stage 'wrangle' in 'dvc.yaml'
Updating lock file 'dvc.lock'

To track the changes with git, run:

	git add dvc.lock dvc.yaml data/processed/scdb/.gitignore

Now calling dvc dag produces an interactive ASCII depiction of our data pipeline!

!dvc dag | cat
  | ../dvc.yaml:acquire |  
| ../dvc.yaml:featherize | 
  | ../dvc.yaml:wrangle |  

This corresponds to the following contents of our dvc.yaml file:

!cat "$REPO_ROOT/dvc.yaml"
    cmd: poetry run python data_pipeline/
    - data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_caseCentered_Citation.sav:
        persist: true
    - data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_caseCentered_Docket.sav:
        persist: true
    - data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_caseCentered_LegalProvision.sav:
        persist: true
    - data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_caseCentered_Vote.sav:
        persist: true
    - data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_justiceCentered_Citation.sav:
        persist: true
    - data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_justiceCentered_Docket.sav:
        persist: true
    - data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_justiceCentered_LegalProvision.sav:
        persist: true
    - data/raw/scdb/SCDB_2020_01_justiceCentered_Vote.sav:
        persist: true
    - data/raw/scdb/SCDB_Legacy_06_caseCentered_Citation.sav:
        persist: true
    - data/raw/scdb/SCDB_Legacy_06_justiceCentered_Citation.sav:
        persist: true
    cmd: poetry run python data_pipeline/
    - data/raw/scdb
    - data/interim/scdb
    cmd: poetry run python data_pipeline/
    - data/interim/scdb
    - data/processed/scdb/SCDB_Legacy-and-2020r1_caseCentered_Citation.feather

We can now ensure our data pipeline is tracked in Git by committing each of the scripts executed during stages of the pipeline and the files called out by each dvc run command (dvc.yaml, dvc.lock, and a couple .gitignore files).

git add ${REPO_ROOT}/data_pipeline/{acquire,featherize,wrangle}.py
git add ${REPO_ROOT}/data/{raw,interim}/.gitignore
git add ${REPO_ROOT}/data/processed/scdb/.gitignore
git add ${REPO_ROOT}/dvc.{yaml,lock}

git commit -m 'Define initial DVC data pipeline'

Next Steps

We now have a minimal data pipeline defined in DVC that retrieves data sources from the SCDB and performs some basic data formatting tasks. In our next post, we’ll expand this data wrangling code, wading neck deep into the waters of imputing and, primarily, manually hunting down missing and corrupt values across the $53$ columns in the case_decisions dataset, or at least a subset thereof that is important for what we’re hoping to analyze later.

There are plenty of opportunities for diversions along the way, including digging further into DVC, discussions of how to make this pipeline more readily maintainable, and about a thousand unexpected pieces of trivia about all of these cases. (SCOTUS cases are full of juicy and unexpected conflicts.) I’m hoping to get the “boring” data engineering work out of the way in the first couple of posts so that the remainder of the series can focus mostly on analyzing the data.

Beyond the next couple of blog posts, I’ll want to expand the data wrangling stages of the data pipeline to cover the other modern datasets, most especially the justice-centered one, in order to simplify analyses of per-justice voting records of the individual justices. I would also like to contribute my feather conversion script back to the SCDB project after increasing its flexibility, but that may occur outside this blog. Let me know if you have similar interests in the SCDB and would like to collaborate.


  • 2021-05-23: Fixed a bug in the timestamp column-processing code.